54.599139981251, -5.9383100112613
Strengthening Families (Enhancing Relationships Between 12-16 Years Old and Parents)
ASCERTHelp offered
This globally recognised and evidenced parenting programme provides a unique opportunity for both parents and young people aged 12-16 to work together to improve their relationships. The core aim is to improve the family environment by helping parents to develop discipline techniques and to understand the importance of rewards and positive attitudes in their children.
How to access this support
The Strengthening Families Co-ordinator for the Belfast and Southern Trust areas is: Lorna Fennell, Strengthening Families Service Co-Ordinator 0800 2545 123 / 07545928220 / lorna@ascert.biz Contact organisation for access to this service.
Email Address
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups