55.165065601708, -6.7861047829649
'Castlerock cares' - Coronavirus Community Response
Castlerock Community AssociationCastelrock Community Association, Information Centre, 1 Circular Road, Castlerock, Coleraine, BT514DF
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
- Other
Current services;
Collecting shopping, prescriptions
Walking a dog
Making telephone contact - 'HELLO, HOW ARE YOU TODAY'
Examples: A call from the daughter, who lives in England, of a man in hospital in Coleraine to assist with some personal clothing. We purchased the clothing and delivered it to Coleraine hospital. A resident, self isolating, contacted us to ask about getting his oven door fixed, it had fallen off. We arranged a repairman to call and fix the oven door.
Currently working up a Summer Bedding Plant project , money has been sourced to purchase summer bedding plants for people who are self isolating to cheer them up
By telephone to our dedicated project helpline: 028 70710036
Website and Facebook
We have a dedicated team of 42 registered 'Castlerock Cares' volunteers based across the village.

Castlerock Community Association
Castlerock Community Association
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service