55.145547417999, -6.6583747632294
Family Support Services
Focus on Family Nurturing & Development CentreGlenburn House, 11-19 Glenburn Crescent, Ballysally, Coleraine, BT52 2QR
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Information and advice
• Online support for local families and children – social media (Focus on Family, Ballysally Facebook Page) and group chats to promote positive parenting and family activity ideas
• Nurturing staff and family visitors supporting families by phone and with liaison with social services, etc
• Eco-Warriors developing eco-activities for local children and utilising The Cornfield Project Facebook page for regular updates to support local individuals and families
• Focus on Family Crafts group volunteering to help the NHS by making hospital scrubs/gowns for Causeway Hospital – local volunteer sewing helpers can participate from home with materials provided
Requests via Facebook pages - Focus on Family https://www.facebook.com/FocusOnFamilyBallysally/ or The Cornfield Project https://www.facebook.com/thecornfieldproject/ or email managerfof@btconnect.com

Focus on Family Nurturing & Development Centre
Focus on Family
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service