55.202460023054, -6.2473100274971

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for our local community

Solas Wellbeing

62 Ann Street Ballycastle BT54 6AD

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered

Our support is being developed on an ongoing basis, but at present we are able to offer the following:

- Telephone check in & support four mornings per week

- Telephone check in & support one afternoon per week (for anyone dealing with the emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis)

- Online video based group activities, including a weekly meditation, singing and chair yoga

- Telephone or video call talking therapies

How to access this support

People can contact our main office number on 028 2039 0135. One of our volunteers will take calls between 10am & 11.30am Monday to Thursday, but messages will also be checked daily. Enquiries can also be made via email to stephanie@solasmoyle.org.uk, through our website at www.solasmoyle.org.uk or via Facebook. Short individual tutorials are also available to help anyone new to video calling to join our groups.

Telephone number
Solas Wellbeing Logo

Solas Wellbeing

Solas Moyle

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