Need to Talk project - Counselling and confidence building support for people with sight loss and their families
Online / Telephone Counselling Service for people affected by epilepsy (inc carers)
Mental/Emotional Health Awareness (Students at Year 8 & 10 and Senior Students in Lower and Upper 6th Form)
AMH - MensSana (Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing)
Mood Matters For Young People © (Young People 14-18 Year Old)
AMH New Horizons (Adults Recovering from Mental Ill-Health): Belfast
Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Morning)
Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast
Daytime Activities for Adults With a Learning Disability: Belfast
Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy at the Hospice: North Belfast
Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Evening)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Crumlin Road
Mental Health Recovery Services - Early Intervention Team: Crumlin Road
Mood Matters in the Workplace © (Improvement of Mental Health)
Primary Care Mental Health (People with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Problems): Crumlin Road
Psychology (Community Psychology Services - CCPS): Crumlin Road
Mood Matters For Adults © (Mental Health and Resilience)
Caring Team to Help Face Difficulties (Bereavement, Sickness, Loneliness, Etc): Agnes Street, Shankill
Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled
Trauma Team (People Affected by any Kind of Trauma): Crumlin Road
Living Life to the Full (Feelings and Anxiety Management): North Belfast
Psychology (Therapeutic Support Service - TSS): Crumlin Road
Mental Health Awareness Programme (Becoming more Resilient and Improving General Health and Wellbeing)
Support to Persons Living with a Diagnosis of Dementia: North Belfast
Belfast Trust Acute Day Treatment Service (Mental Illness): Antrim Road, Fortwilliam
Advice, Support and Information Service on Homelessness: Belfast
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics: Antrim Road, Fortwilliam
Temporary Hostel Accomodation for Homeless Men: Belfast
Counselling Services - Mental Health, Substance Use, Stress: North Belfast
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs)
Life Coaching (Achievement Of Personal Goals And Positive Mental Attitude): New Lodge
Information and Advice Services: Poverty and Inclusion
Mediation And Community Support (MACS): Help to Young Offenders
Support for Mature Musicians (Providing a Platform and Voice to Older Musicians)
Health & Wellbeing Caseworker Support - Improving Health & Wellbeing in Your Community
Support, Advice and Help: People Experiencing or Have Experienced Mental Health Issue
Mood Matters Parent and Baby © (Mental Health - Parents and Children 0-3)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Belfast
Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Relaxation): North Belfast
Youth Engagement Service - Advice and Signposting: Substance Use, Mental Health, Training
Mood Matters For Later Years (Mental Health - People 55+)
Supporting Young Men to Become Leaders in Their Communities
Promotion of LIFEMAPS Mental Health Model (How to Cope with Ups and Downs in Life)
DAISY (Person-centred Programme for Young People and Children Affected by Substance Misuse)
Leadership & Active Citizenship for Young People Within their Community: Ballygomartin
Personal Development Programmes for Young People (Mental Health, Drug Awareness, Homelessness, Leadership, etc): Ballygomartin
Sensory Profiling (Measurement and Profiling of the Effect of Sensory Processing on Functional Performance)
Childline / Helpline for Children on Issues that Matter to Them
Stella Maris (Helping Homeless People with Alcohol Issues in Belfast): Sailortown, North Belfast
Sophia House (Supported Living Accommodation for People with Mental Illnesses): Newtownabbey
Therapeutic Communities in North Belfast (People with a Severe Mental Illness)
Complementary Therapies to Help with Mental Health: New Lodge/Duncairn
Living and Learning About Me (Trauma and Mental health & Wellbeing): Duncairn
Counselling, Mindfulness and Complementary Therapies
Zest for Life - Life Coaching Course to Help Move on From Cancer and Treatment: Physical and Mental Health
Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area
The "Know How" Series (Psychological Therapies): Duncairn
Floating Support Services - Mental Health: Fortwilliam
Forum For Mental Health Users (Listening Ear and Advocacy): Belfast
Advocacy and Representation: Entertainment Industry
The CALM Programme (Physical Activities for Vulnerable People): Falls
Counselling and Emotional Support Service to Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families: North Belfast
Brexit Bamboo (Implications of Brexit for Rural Areas)
Reach Out - Drop In Office for Individuals in Need of Mental Health Support: Shankill
Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast
General Support - Drugs and Alcohol (Homelessness)
Youth Project (Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families): North Belfast
Mindharp - Engage Actively in Music (Relief of Stress and Anxiety)
Rehabilitation Support to Offenders and Victims: Improvement of Community Safety/Cohesion
Complementary Therapy for People with Issues Linked to Trauma
Individual Placement Support - Employment Mentoring
Specialist Support to Homeless People - Dual Diagnosis (Co-Existing Mental Health and Substance Use)
Counselling Service - Legacy Issues: North Belfast
Family Support Hubs - Signposting to Relevant Services (Early Intervention)
Fearless & Female - Mental Health, Gender Equality and Empowerment Programme: Young Girls 14-17
Me Myself I and Us (family carers involved in caring for a disabled child and/or life-limiting condition)
Holistic Therapies - People With and Affected By HIV
Supported Employment Solutions - People with Disabilities & Health Conditions
Rosemount House Ex-residents Follow Up (Isolation, Loneliness, Depression, Befriending): Antrim Road
Education and Training (Social Inclusion): Cliftonville
Lily Programme - Personal Development Programme for Young Girls (Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing)
Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Service: New Lodge
Floating Support for Travellers: Belfast and Derry
re:think re:act - Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sessions
Services for residents: Rosemount House, Fortwilliam
Counselling for Adults: North, West and East Belfast
Involving Young Researchers in NCB's Work (Training and Support)
The Real Me Programme: Personal Development Programme for Women 18+
Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast
The "Restorative" Rehabilitation Programme: Supported Accommodation for Men Seeking Recovery from Addiction
Group Work - Emotional Health and Well-being: Ardoyne
Mental Health First Aid for AA Veterans Beneficiaries: Crumlin Road
Drop In, Therapies Clinic and Personal Development Programmes: Women
DAISY East Mental Health (Young People and their Families): Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Areas
Feel Good Factor Workshops (Male and Female): Cancer Treatments and their Side Effects
Art Therapy - Helping People Express Their Feelings
Dual Diagnosis Street Team (DDST): Homeless Individuals Dealing with Mental Health and Addiction in Belfast
Protect Life (Vulnerable Young People at Risk of Self-harm, Suicide and Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Health): New Lodge
Counselling & Psychotherapy (Trauma Linked to Legacy Issues)
Protect Life (PBNI Referrals ar Risk of Self-harm, Suicide, Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
Online Information and Support on being LGB&/T and Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing
Maternal Mental Health (Perinatal Mental Illness): Belfast
Homeless Traveller Project (Helping the Travellers Community)
Therapeutic Film-Making (Excluded Individuals With Learning Disability and Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Outreach Support to Individuals Experiencing Bereavements, Injury or Trauma (Legacy Issues): North Belfast
Youth Intervention (Young People in Need): Belfast
Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Group Work - Personal and Social Development Programmes for Youth: Woodvale
Out and About - Specialist Support to People with Autism
Building Skills, Resilience, and Me (Mental Health and Wellbeing): Duncairn
Community Development (Promotion of Peacebuilding Attitudes): North Belfast
Mental Health
Services which support people who my be struggling with their mental health, often including counselling, peer support, referrals to Community Mental Health Teams etc.