Need to Talk project - Counselling and confidence building support for people with sight loss and their families
Online / Telephone Counselling Service for people affected by epilepsy (inc carers)
Mood Matters For Later Years (Mental Health - People 55+)
Mental/Emotional Health Awareness (Students at Year 8 & 10 and Senior Students in Lower and Upper 6th Form)
AMH - MensSana (Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing)
Mood Matters For Young People © (Young People 14-18 Year Old)
AMH New Horizons (Adults Recovering from Mental Ill-Health): Belfast
Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Morning)
Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast
Daytime Activities for Adults With a Learning Disability: Belfast
Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy at the Hospice: North Belfast
Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Evening)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Crumlin Road
Mental Health Recovery Services - Early Intervention Team: Crumlin Road
Mood Matters in the Workplace © (Improvement of Mental Health)
Primary Care Mental Health (People with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Problems): Crumlin Road
Psychology (Community Psychology Services - CCPS): Crumlin Road
Mood Matters For Adults © (Mental Health and Resilience)
Caring Team to Help Face Difficulties (Bereavement, Sickness, Loneliness, Etc): Agnes Street, Shankill
Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled
Trauma Team (People Affected by any Kind of Trauma): Crumlin Road
Living Life to the Full (Feelings and Anxiety Management): North Belfast
Psychology (Therapeutic Support Service - TSS): Crumlin Road
Mental Health Awareness Programme (Becoming more Resilient and Improving General Health and Wellbeing)
Support to Persons Living with a Diagnosis of Dementia: North Belfast
Belfast Trust Acute Day Treatment Service (Mental Illness): Antrim Road, Fortwilliam
Advice, Support and Information Service on Homelessness: Belfast
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics: Antrim Road, Fortwilliam
Temporary Hostel Accomodation for Homeless Men: Belfast
Counselling Services - Mental Health, Substance Use, Stress: North Belfast
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs)
Life Coaching (Achievement Of Personal Goals And Positive Mental Attitude): New Lodge
Information and Advice Services: Poverty and Inclusion
Mediation And Community Support (MACS): Help to Young Offenders
Support for Mature Musicians (Providing a Platform and Voice to Older Musicians)
Health & Wellbeing Caseworker Support - Improving Health & Wellbeing in Your Community
Support, Advice and Help: People Experiencing or Have Experienced Mental Health Issue
Mood Matters Parent and Baby © (Mental Health - Parents and Children 0-3)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Belfast
Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Relaxation): North Belfast
Youth Engagement Service - Advice and Signposting: Substance Use, Mental Health, Training
Supporting Young Men to Become Leaders in Their Communities
Promotion of LIFEMAPS Mental Health Model (How to Cope with Ups and Downs in Life)
DAISY (Person-centred Programme for Young People and Children Affected by Substance Misuse)
Leadership & Active Citizenship for Young People Within their Community: Ballygomartin
Personal Development Programmes for Young People (Mental Health, Drug Awareness, Homelessness, Leadership, etc): Ballygomartin
Sensory Profiling (Measurement and Profiling of the Effect of Sensory Processing on Functional Performance)
Childline / Helpline for Children on Issues that Matter to Them
Stella Maris (Helping Homeless People with Alcohol Issues in Belfast): Sailortown, North Belfast
Sophia House (Supported Living Accommodation for People with Mental Illnesses): Newtownabbey
Therapeutic Communities in North Belfast (People with a Severe Mental Illness)
Community Development (Promotion of Peacebuilding Attitudes): North Belfast
Group Work - Personal and Social Development Programmes for Youth: Woodvale
Out and About - Specialist Support to People with Autism
Building Skills, Resilience, and Me (Mental Health and Wellbeing): Duncairn
Counselling, Mindfulness and Complementary Therapies
Complementary Therapies to Help with Mental Health: New Lodge/Duncairn
Living and Learning About Me (Trauma and Mental health & Wellbeing): Duncairn
Zest for Life - Life Coaching Course to Help Move on From Cancer and Treatment: Physical and Mental Health
Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area
The "Know How" Series (Psychological Therapies): Duncairn
The CALM Programme (Physical Activities for Vulnerable People): Falls
Floating Support Services - Mental Health: Fortwilliam
Forum For Mental Health Users (Listening Ear and Advocacy): Belfast
Advocacy and Representation: Entertainment Industry
Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast
Counselling and Emotional Support Service to Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families: North Belfast
Brexit Bamboo (Implications of Brexit for Rural Areas)
Reach Out - Drop In Office for Individuals in Need of Mental Health Support: Shankill
General Support - Drugs and Alcohol (Homelessness)
Youth Project (Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families): North Belfast
Mindharp - Engage Actively in Music (Relief of Stress and Anxiety)
Individual Placement Support - Employment Mentoring
Rehabilitation Support to Offenders and Victims: Improvement of Community Safety/Cohesion
Complementary Therapy for People with Issues Linked to Trauma
Holistic Therapies - People With and Affected By HIV
Supported Employment Solutions - People with Disabilities & Health Conditions
Specialist Support to Homeless People - Dual Diagnosis (Co-Existing Mental Health and Substance Use)
Counselling Service - Legacy Issues: North Belfast
Family Support Hubs - Signposting to Relevant Services (Early Intervention)
Fearless & Female - Mental Health, Gender Equality and Empowerment Programme: Young Girls 14-17
Me Myself I and Us (family carers involved in caring for a disabled child and/or life-limiting condition)
Floating Support for Travellers: Belfast and Derry
re:think re:act - Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sessions
Rosemount House Ex-residents Follow Up (Isolation, Loneliness, Depression, Befriending): Antrim Road
Education and Training (Social Inclusion): Cliftonville
Lily Programme - Personal Development Programme for Young Girls (Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing)
Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Service: New Lodge
Services for residents: Rosemount House, Fortwilliam
Counselling for Adults: North, West and East Belfast
Involving Young Researchers in NCB's Work (Training and Support)
The Real Me Programme: Personal Development Programme for Women 18+
Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast
Drop In, Therapies Clinic and Personal Development Programmes: Women
DAISY East Mental Health (Young People and their Families): Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Areas
The "Restorative" Rehabilitation Programme: Supported Accommodation for Men Seeking Recovery from Addiction
Group Work - Emotional Health and Well-being: Ardoyne
Mental Health First Aid for AA Veterans Beneficiaries: Crumlin Road
Dual Diagnosis Street Team (DDST): Homeless Individuals Dealing with Mental Health and Addiction in Belfast
Protect Life (Vulnerable Young People at Risk of Self-harm, Suicide and Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
Feel Good Factor Workshops (Male and Female): Cancer Treatments and their Side Effects
Art Therapy - Helping People Express Their Feelings
Protect Life (PBNI Referrals ar Risk of Self-harm, Suicide, Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Health): New Lodge
Counselling & Psychotherapy (Trauma Linked to Legacy Issues)
Homeless Traveller Project (Helping the Travellers Community)
Online Information and Support on being LGB&/T and Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing
Maternal Mental Health (Perinatal Mental Illness): Belfast
Therapeutic Film-Making (Excluded Individuals With Learning Disability and Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Outreach Support to Individuals Experiencing Bereavements, Injury or Trauma (Legacy Issues): North Belfast
Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Youth Intervention (Young People in Need): Belfast
Mental Health
Services which support people who my be struggling with their mental health, often including counselling, peer support, referrals to Community Mental Health Teams etc.