432 Antrim Road
BT15 5GB
United Kingdom
Mission Statement
"To be at the threshold of developments in mental health for people at risk or recovering from mental illness, so that they are enabled to live full and independent lives in the community"
We Provide 94 places within our residential and supported housing projects, 40 are within our residential therapeutic communities(Clearwater House and Dumbarton House in North Belfast and Glencarn House in Glengormley), with 6 places for daycare in these facilities. We have 52 places available in our supported housing facilities at Sophia House in Glengormley, Belfat community flats in north and south Belfast. Belghravia Terrace in south Belfast and Glendun House in Portrush. We have achieved independent accreditation for all our facilities From the Association of Therapeutic Communities via their Community of Communities inspection framework, All of our facilities are also inspected through the Northern Ireland Housing Executive Supporting People Quality Assurance Framework.
Our comprehensive in-service training programme, supports staff in both in-service and external training. The main components are:
- QCF qualification to ensure highest standard of training for staff.
- Continued professional development opportunities for all professionally qualified staff.
- In-service training programme which covers all aspects of housing, social care and therapeutic work
The research department routinely collects and analyses outcome data across all of our services. This ensures we are creating an evidence based culture in the agency where the emphasis is on using the best and most effective interventions with our clients.
We also provide a Floating Support Service for up to 50 clients which gives support to help people with mental ill-health problems remain within their own homes. This service continues to be busy with referrals and has proved to be an essential lifeline to those who depend on our support. This service is again monitored and inspected by Supporting People (NIHE).
Threshold's Services
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Type of Organisation
- Sharon Foster
- Bernie Ross
- Ryan Greer