Carer Support Service
Carer Support Service, Belfast Health and Social Care TrustThe Carer Support Service is part of the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (Belfast HSC Trust). We are here to support carers of all ages, as we recognise and value all that you do. You are a carer if you are regularly supporting a family member, or friend who is unwell, frail, living with a disability or a mental health condition. This could be a child, adult or an older person.
Here are the supports available for carers in the Belfast HSC Trust
- Join the Carer Register to keep you up to date with information, signposting, activities, courses, community events and Newsletters.
- We will issue a Carer ID card to recognise your unpaid caring role which may help to gain discounts and easier access to public venues, events and attractions.
- Health, well-being and information courses
- Hello Carers Activity Programme (Walking Groups, Carer Cafes, Carer Support Groups, Family Days, Gardening, Choir, Sing -a-Long, Pamper Days, Well-being Days at Drumalis, Larne (Transport provided) and much more.
- Listening Ear Support Service
- Carer Counselling Service
- Carer Support Groups throughout Belfast and the opportunity to meet other carers.
- Find out how to access Complementary Therapies
- Find out about a Carer Assessment and how it can help you in your caring role.
- Link young carers to support and available services. A young carer is aged under 18. For further information refer to:
- Offer opportunities for you to have a say in our work or get involved to plan and shape our services in Belfast HSC Trust in the future so they are carer-focused.
Carer Awareness Campaign, Outreach and Education
- Staff in the Carer Support Service are happy to deliver education sessions on Carer Awareness, speak to any groups or staff in all organisations.
Self referral or referral via a professional e.g. GP, Health Visitor, Professional staff in the Belfast HSC Trust e.g. Occupational Therapist, Psychiatrist, Nurse, Social Worker, Support Worker, Key Worker, Consultant or via the community and voluntary sector. Staff in the Carer Support Service are happy to help with joining the Carer Register and accessing support.