Start 360
Start 360
Start 360
Hildon House
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Start360 is Northern Ireland’s leading provider of support services to young people, adult offenders and families in the community.
We provide a range of services and interventions in the areas of health, justice and employability.
We have an excellent track record working with young people and adults in partnership with the statutory, voluntary and community sectors. Start360 supports people through an extensive range of skill-based programmes and services.
Start360 has continually developed its services to meet the changing needs of people in Northern Ireland. By holding true to our core vision, we continue to provide a range of innovative services focused on making a positive impact on their lives.
Start 360's Services
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Type of Organisation
- Zoe Anderson
- Shauna McGroarty
- Claire McGuigan
- Human Resources
- Anne-Marie McClure