Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

182 support services available across this Council. View services available across Northern Ireland

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children, Northern Ireland
Action For Children NI, Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

Atlas COVID support

Atlas COVID support

Atlas Womens Centre
7 Bachelors Walk Lisburn BT28 1XJ

Ballybeen Women's Centre support services

Ballybeen Women's Centre support services

Ballybeen Women's Centre
34 Ballybeen Square, Dundonald, BT16 2QE

BT16 Covid 19 Volunteer Response

BT16 Covid 19 Volunteer Response

Unit 7 Enler Complex, Craigleith Drive, Ballybeen, BT16 2QP

Carryduff Play Care Centre

Carryduff Play Care Centre

Carryduff Play Care Centre
Carryduff Play Care Centre, 20a Church Road, Carryduff, Belfast, BT8 8DT

Collection and delivery of essential food, prescriptions and transport to essential medical appointments

Collection and delivery of essential food, prescriptions and transport to essential medical appointments

Lagan Valley Rural Transport
Units 1-6 PRM Complex Rathdown Road, Lisburn, BT28 2RE

Community Family Support Programme

Community Family Support Programme

People 1st
62 - 64 High Street Lurgan BT66 8BB

Community Response Covid 19

Community Response Covid 19

Second Dromara Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church, 4 Begny Hill Road, Dromara, BT25 2BN

Covid 19 Response

Covid 19 Response

Hilden Community Association
16 Longbrook Drive, BT27 4UB

Covid-19 Community Hub Response

Covid-19 Community Hub Response

A Safe Space to be Me
28 Mill Road, Crumlin, Co Antrim. BT429 4XL

Damask Community Outreach Advice Service Telephone Helpline

Damask Community Outreach Advice Service Telephone Helpline

Damask Community Outreach
Seymour Street Methodist Premises, Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4XG

Derriaghy Covid-19 Response

Derriaghy Covid-19 Response

Derriaghy Village Community Association
70 Milltown Avenue Lisburn BT28 3TR

Domestic violence support services

Domestic violence support services

Belfast and Lisburn Women's Aid
30 Adelaide Park, Belfast, BT9 6FY

Educational Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults who are Unemployed

Educational Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults who are Unemployed

South Eastern Regional College
39 Castle Street Lisburn BT27 4SU

Empowerment through photography and story sharing

Free online activities for young people aged 16-25 years with a physical disability in Belfast and surrounding areas

Free Website Advice

Free Website Advice

The Web Co.
Remote Service

Free, Confidential, Impartial 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance for unemployed people

Free, Confidential, Impartial 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance for unemployed people

Belfast Ascot House 24-31 Shaftesbury Square Belfast BT2 7DB

Freephone Advice Helpline

Freephone Advice Helpline

Advice NI
Northern Ireland

Fresh food packages

Fresh food packages

Lifehub NI
35 Townsend enterprise Park, 28 Townsend street BT13 2ES

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Hourglass (formerly Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland)
Newry, BT35 5DH

Homeless charity - supporting people who are homeless or could potentially become homeless

information and support available for those affected by dementia

information and support available for those affected by dementia

Alzheimer's Society
Alzheimer's Society NI National Office 30 Skegoneill Street Belfast BT15 3JP

Lagan Valley Rural Transport

Lagan Valley Rural Transport

Lagan Valley Rural Transport
Lisburn and Castlereagh and surrounding rural area

LEMIS+ - Support for those unemployed/economically inactive or part time

Lisburn Foodbank - offering emergency food parcels to those struggling financially or shielding as per GP referral

Lisburn: help for the community (food delivery and emotional support)

Lisburn: help for the community (food delivery and emotional support)

Ballymacash Regeneration Network
29 Rathvarna Drive, Lisburn BT28 2UB

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, BT36 9PB

Maghaberry Covid 19 Response

Maghaberry Covid 19 Response

Maghaberry Community Centre
Maghaberry Community Centre, 18 Maghaberry Road, Maghaberry, Moira, BT67 0JG

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Northern Ireland
83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

40-44 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GG

Online support and resources for LOGIC members and anyone who joins as a member

Online support and resources for LOGIC members and anyone who joins as a member

LOGIC, Old School, 51 Main Street, Moira, BT67 0LQ

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198 Newtownabbey BT36 9BP

Picking up essential supplies/ prescriptions for elderly/ vulnerable or those self-isolating

Picking up essential supplies/ prescriptions for elderly/ vulnerable or those self-isolating

Stoneyford Community and Youth Association
43 Stoneyford Road, Lisburn, BT28 3SR

Providing daily lifestyle, wellbeing and health support+ our very own YouTube channel.

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Mae Murray Foundation
A6 Willowbank Business Park, Larne

Resurgam Trust Community Response Plan to COVID 19

Resurgam Trust Community Response Plan to COVID 19

The Resurgam Trust
Laganview Enterprise Centre, 69 Drumbeg Drive, Lisburn BT28 1NY

Rural Support – guiding, supporting & listening to farmers and farm families across Northern Ireland

SEHSCT Maternity Services Helpline

SEHSCT Maternity Services Helpline

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Upper Newtownards Road Dundonald BT16 1RH

SEHSCT Staff Psychologicval Support Helpline

SEHSCT Staff Psychologicval Support Helpline

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Upper Newtownards Road Dundonald BT16 1RH

Seymour Hill Covid Response Team

Seymour Hill Covid Response Team

Seymour Hill and Conway Youth Council
7 Elm Corner, Seymourhill, BT17 9PZ

Seymourhill Covid response team ( Elderly and those with serious health conditions)

Seymourhill Covid response team ( Elderly and those with serious health conditions)

Seymour Hill and Conway Youth Council
7-9 Elm Corner, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 9pz

South Belfast Foodbank

South Belfast Foodbank

South Belfast Foodbank
South Belfast Foodbank, 12-24 University Avenue, Belfast, BT7 1GY

Support for those aged 8-18 with a diagnosis of autism/and or associated conditions + siblings and families

TADA is a voluntary community group that provides advice, support and information.

TADA is a voluntary community group that provides advice, support and information.

TADA Rural Support Network
Unit 10a 19 Carn Business Park, Portadown BT63 5WG

Telephone befriending

Telephone befriending

Emerge Counselling Services
Suite D, Building 3, The Sidings, Lisburn, BT28 3AJ

Walk INN Food Bank

Walk INN Food Bank

Belfast And Lisburn Community Project
27 Holywood Road Belfast BT4 3BA

Work and Wellbeing Support

Work and Wellbeing Support

Second Floor, Capital House, 3 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, BT1 6FB

Young People Gambling Support Service

Young People Gambling Support Service

GamCare provides services throughout Northern Ireland

Free legal advice and assistance

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Free Website Advice

The Web Co.

Remote Service

COVID-19 Service

Free, Confidential, Impartial 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance for unemployed people


Belfast Ascot House 24-31 Shaftesbury Square Belfast BT2 7DB

COVID-19 Service

Freephone Advice Helpline

Advice NI

Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Fresh food packages

Lifehub NI

35 Townsend enterprise Park, 28 Townsend street BT13 2ES

COVID-19 Service

Gatekeepers Crisis helpline / Counselling prayer support group

Gatekeepers Community Group

COVID-19 Service

Guide Dogs Covid-19 advice line

Guide Dogs Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Help and advice in British Sign Language (BSL)

National Deaf Children's Society

COVID-19 Service


Community Restorative Justice Ireland

COVID-19 Service



COVID-19 Service


Deafblind UK

COVID-19 Service

Helpline - Autism NI

Autism NI

COVID-19 Service

Helpline - Information and advice

Patient and Client Council

COVID-19 Service

Helpline - Telephone help service

CHARTER for Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Helpline for Foster Carers

The Fostering Network

COVID-19 Service

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Hourglass (formerly Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland)

Newry, BT35 5DH

COVID-19 Service

Homeless charity - supporting people who are homeless or could potentially become homeless

Home N.I.

118A Belvoir Drive, Belfast, BT8 7DT

COVID-19 Service

How to talk about the coronavirus with your child

Parenting Focus

COVID-19 Service

Immigration advice

Law Centre NI

2nd Floor, Westgate House,

COVID-19 Service

Indoor play ideas and activities

PlayBoard NI

COVID-19 Service

Information and advice from the third sector

Supporting Communities

COVID-19 Service