Information and advice for people who live with Parkinson's or their carers, friends & family members

Parkinson's UK

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Information and advice
Help offered

Our Parkinson's local advisers are here for you – whether you have the condition or you're a carer, friend or family member of someone with Parkinson's.

Our free confidential helpline and local advisers can support anyone with Parkinson's, their family or friends. Our trained advisers, including specialist Parkinson's nurses, can provide information and advice about all aspects of living with Parkinson's.

How to access this support

Contact Details

Telephone: 028 9092 3370 / 0808 800 0303



Landline: 0344 225 3683


Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-6pm

Telephone number