54.503646, -6.1036099999999
Collection and delivery of essential food, prescriptions and transport to essential medical appointments
Lagan Valley Rural TransportUnits 1-6 PRM Complex Rathdown Road, Lisburn, BT28 2RE
Type of support for people
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
- Transportation
Help offered for organisations
- Care staff or trained volunteers
- Transportation / vehicles
- Information and advice
Help offered
Telephone service to point people in right direction
Collection and delivery of pre paid food
Collection and delivery of prescriptions
Transport to essential medical appointments
How to access this support
By telephoning Lagan Valley Rural Transport on 028926 622030 or email tina@lvrt.co.uk
Contact Name
Tina McMillan
Email Address
Telephone number

Lagan Valley Rural Transport
Lagan Valley Rural Transport
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service