54.514726711899, -6.0365490382599

Damask Community Outreach Advice Service Telephone Helpline

Damask Community Outreach

Seymour Street Methodist Premises, Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4XG

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
  • Information and advice
Help offered

You can ring our advice service if you are: 

Isolated at home and in need of help or advice; 

Having difficulty shopping for essential food and home supplies;

Live alone and cannot collect prescribed medication. 

We can refer your need to our team of volunteers  delivering food parcels provided by LCCC or through a Food Bank.

Our professional adviser provides support and guidance for claiming Benefits, Universal Credit, working with Social Services, family issues and a wide range of other issues not directly related to Covid.



How to access this support

Ring the advice service on 07749 332662. You'll be asked what advice or support you need. We'll take your details and get the advisor to ring you back and help you to access the right support. Our Adviser is available Tuesday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm for TELEPHONE SUPPORT ONLY during the Covid emergency, but we are normally able to offer a one to one consultation.  You can still phone us outside hours and we will get back to with as soon as possible.

Telephone number
Damask Community Outreach

Damask Community Outreach

Damask Community Outreach

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service