
Autonomie is an organisation that aims to empower young people with additional needs to develop the skills to live independently and achieve their potential.

Autonomie empowers young people with additional needs to develop the skills to live independently and achieve their potential. Autonomie was set up in 2009 and was formerly know as LILAC Service. Led by Young People & volunteers the organisation supports children and young people with a physical or mild/ moderate learning disabilities and allied additional needs in Belfast and surrounding areas. Support is offered is through training, practical and social activity programmes, Independent living skills and practical advice for families and siblings.

In October 2020 Autonomie launched The Family Voice Project, a two year project funded by National Lottery Community Fund (People & Communities) this is a practical and emotional support service for all parents of a child or young person with disabilities, and their siblings.  Workshops, social and a drop in venue is provided at Lilac House, 4 Sandhurst Road, Belfast BT7 1PW 

Freedom2Choose is a Social, and Living Skills programme which operates every Saturday from 2.00pm - 4.00pm.  A range of Youth Club based activities are provided for young people between 16 - 30 years of age who are experiencing  the transition into adult life.

SAIL (Social and Independent Living) project which is a new service starting in May 2021 which will provide programmes for young people who have just left education and are entering adult life, the programme will be delivered in areas outside of Belfast e.g. Carrickfergus/Larne, Banbridge/Armagh, Downpatrick/Lisburn.  Each programme will last for 6 months and will be delivered 2-3 days per week.

Autonomie have an accessible centre LILAC House (Linked Independent Living and Advice Centre) in South Belfast. It will provides  facilities including a training room, meeting room, meeting/community use room, kitchen for independent living skills training and a youth-centred drop-in/recreation area.

Open 7 days a week - on a part-time basis, including some evenings - the project will deliver life skills training and provide practical life experience opportunities.

The project aims to promote self-confidence; support active participation; encourage 'natural' interaction; development of friendships and enable and encourage independence. Using trained facilitators up to 20 young people per year will even get the chance to try short-term independent living in purpose-designed accessible facilities on the premises.


Autonomie's Services

Autonomie's Content

Job | Full Time

SAIL (Social and Independent Living) Support Worker


£24,702 per annum
Job | Full Time

SAIL (Social and Independent Living) Project Support Worker


£24,702 per annum (35 hours per week).


Parents and carers can learn about Direct Payments with free online Zoom information session.
20 January 2021
Young person Stephanie from Bangor a member of Autonomie pictured along with her mum Janice.


Youth disability charity boss Lynne Morrison has hailed £198,000 of financial support from the National Lottery as a ‘lifeline’ for families raising a child or young adult with disabilities.
Autonomie Youth Project Officer Nicole Hammond helped young people design their own reusable tote bags with the packs they received as part of recent virtual summer scheme.


A Belfast charity boss has praised her team for their hard work in preparing a whole host of virtual activities for disabled youngsters.
Pictured: Young person Stephanie Hewitt and her mother Janice.


Autonomie have been adapting to the coronavirus outbreak by digitising key services and reaching disabled young people via virtual means.
Young People during their recent tour of Belfast City Hall


Young people with additional needs from 3 organisations across Belfast join up for Belfast City Hall Tour and Christmas Market visit


Autonomie recently received a cheque for £200 from Asda Westwood Centre after customers voted for the charity in its green token scheme.
Quiz night raises over £1,100 for Belfast charity Autonomie


A fundraising charity quiz evening hosted by Autonomie supporter Emma Cockcroft has raised over £1,100 for the charity.
Fundraiser Informal Meetup


Award-winning charity Autonomie is hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning this Saturday (September 28) in Belfast. The open event will be held at the charity's centre Lilac House (Linked Independent Living and Advice Centre) and is being organised by young people with additional needs in the community that attend the charity's practical activity programme Freedom2Choose.
28 September 2019

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Company Number


NI Charity Number



  • Lynne Morrison
  • Lynne Morrison