Job | Full Time

SAIL (Social and Independent Living) Project Support Worker


Carer Professions
£24,702 per annum (35 hours per week).
The SAIL project aims to provide young people who have complex, additional needs with an interactive, fun, learning experience to help them develop self-confidence, self-awareness and provide emotional and practical support during the transition between adolescence and adulthood. These young people range in age from 16-30 years and live in several council areas throughout Northern Ireland. All activities will have independent living skills development as a common aim, the project is based on the SPICE model, (Social, Physical, Intellectual, Creative and Emotional). Activities will include: Life Choices - how these can impact on all aspects of living. Keeping Safe - Living in local communities Living a More Independent Life - Basic Cookery skills, Housekeeping, Budgets & Responsibilities. Personal Awareness - Self Awareness, Personal Safety and Personal presentation. Looking after Mental Health - Coping Skills, Triggers & Distractions.

The SAIL Support Worker will work with the SAIL Project Manager on the development, implementation and evaluation of the SAIL project, which is aimed at supporting personal development, social independent living skills for young people with a physical disability and/or mild to moderate learning disabilities.  The role involves working closely with SAIL participants, community organisations, educational establishments and other team members to ensure that all project goals and outcomes are efficiently and effectively met.


This is a 3 year post and continuation is subject to funding

Closing Date

Friday / 31 January 2025

Contact Details

Lynne Morrison

Chief Officer

Lilac House, 4 Sandhurst Road
United Kingdom


SAIL Support Worker 1.pdf Application Form 25.docx

National Lottery Community Fund (Empowering Young People)

National Lottery Community Fund