Harvester House
4-8 Adelaide Street
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Contact us for information and local support.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
RNID is the charity making life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus.
Together, we campaign for an inclusive society. We connect people to practical advice and fund research to pioneer new treatments for hearing loss or tinnitus.
1 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland are deaf or have hearing loss and 1 in 8 have tinnitus. We offer a range of services across Northern Ireland including information, practical support for NHS hearing aid users, one on one support for people with tinnitus, tinnitus management courses and awareness events, support looking for employment, and support in the workplace. We also have a range of volunteering and fundraising opportunities.
RNID's Services
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Type of Organisation
- Phillipa Capron
- Claire Lavery
- Michael Mulvenna
- Lisa Stewart