Image shows name tags, a welcome page and cards to explain each game

RNID creates Christmas game to help people be deaf aware

RNID is asking that people add the charity's brand new Christmas dinner party game to their festive preparation list. The charity has designed the game so people can have some festive fun whilst thinking about how they communicate with others.

The game draws attention to the challenges that people who are deaf or have hearing loss face and includes a lipreading challenge, with a set of easy-to-read cards that explain how to take part in the different activities in person or over video chat. RNID are asking for a donation of £10 per game pack.

Claire Lavery, RNID’s Northern Ireland Director, said:

“Our Christmas dinner party game is a great alternative to the quizzes so many of us have taken part in as we have spent time at home throughout 2020. As well as enjoying the activities, we hope people will think about how they communicate with others and be deaf aware.

Covid 19 has highlighted the communication barriers experienced by people who are deaf or have hearing loss, with face coverings and social distancing measures making communication extremely difficult.

“1 in 5 people in Northern Ireland have a hearing loss and it's likely most of us will spend time over the festive season with someone who deals with the challenges that brings. By ordering one of our Christmas dinner party games, you will be supporting our work to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus”.

Order your pack by Sunday 6th December 2020 at:

Last updated 4 years 4 months ago