A Thank You to Social Care Workers
ARC NI was delighted to attend a NISCC-led event launched today called ‘Social Care – making a difference campaign’. The campaign aims to help the public understand more about what social care is, all that social care offers. However, today was all about thanking social care staff. In NI we have over 40,000 social care workforce registered. These staff ensure services reach the people that need it every day of the year.
Liz Kimmins, Chair of the Health Committee opened the campaign event at the Long Gallery in Parliament Buildings, Stormont. She welcomed everyone, including social care staff and people in receipt of support. Liz described the difference social care had made within her wider family unit. She also described how as a former social worker, she fully understood the importance of social care. We then heard from a number of speakers.
Firstly through a series of films, we heard from staff that work in social care. The films showed what their job is, the type of support offered, and how it can meet a person’s need. The films also described the impact on the staff member working in social care.
Aine Morrison, Chief Social Work Officer, shared some highlights from the Social Care Collaborative Forum. This work will help to reform social care. She also noted the work of the Social Care Fair Work Forum. This is looking at terms, conditions and pay of social care workers. ARC NI is pleased to also sit on these groups and lends it support to making real change happen. Aine also referred to the work that is underway to reform children’s social care.
Agnes Lunny, Chief Executive of Positive Futures, explained that as Chair of the Communications sub-group, she was delighted to have supported NISCC in the planning of the event today. She stressed that the importance of thanking people. Today was about the staff that make social care happen.
Agnes also thanked the Department of Health, for their commitment in fully understanding the breadth and diversity of social care and the greatness it offers people to lead full and meaningful lives.
Gerard McWilliams, shared his journey as an Expert By Experience. He explained how different services and supports in social care empowered him to believe in himself. Gerard takes great pride in advocating for his peers who do not have a voice and so thanked the social care staff using Makaton.
Finally the event heard from the Minister of Health, Mike Nesbitt.
From his first day in post, the Minister was keen to focus on social care and visited an Employment Awards ceremony and a Day Opportunities service. Commenting on the work to reform adult social care the Minister said “Reforming, growing and enhancing social care is of fundamental importance to society as a whole. At its heart, it means enabling people to live independent, safe and fulfilling lives in the community.”
Today the Minister welcomed the invite to kick start the campaign to raise awareness of social care, the support it offers people and most importantly the workforce that enable it delivering, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Whether you are a member if the public generally interested in social care, or you are thinking about a career that really makes a difference the NISCC website has a range of resources and information to support through their learning zone.
Or have you seen our training courses on offer? 96% of 957 learners said their knowledge and understanding had increased last year, as a result of our training. So why not book a course to keep your good practice up to date.

Association for Real Change NI
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