54.507834961452, -6.182330775636
Maghaberry Covid 19 Response
Maghaberry Community CentreMaghaberry Community Centre, 18 Maghaberry Road, Maghaberry, Moira, BT67 0JG
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered
We can deliver your groceries, prescriptions and medication if you are unable to do so, and we can also provide friendly phone calls to those who are isolated in the current situation.
We run a food bank for those who need it, and we are now working with Trussell Trust to provide food boxes for those who need them, as well as access to food vouchers.
How to access this support
Tracey Crothers - 07702 254 227
Clare Kakuru - 07811 871 814
Brian Madden - 07854 727 501
Nicholas Dark - 028 92621273
Telephone number

Maghaberry Community Centre
Maghaberry Community Centre
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service