54.590451, -5.79212
Ballybeen Women's Centre support services
Ballybeen Women's Centre34 Ballybeen Square, Dundonald, BT16 2QE
Type of support for people
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
- Information and advice
Provision of food bank vouchers – phone 07526693349 on Sunday and Thursday evenings from 6-8pm.
Regular telephone check-in service for users and families.
One-to-one telephone family support service.
One-to-one support for young people via telephone and online.
Online video sessions for young people engaged in programmes.
Provision of BWC, BWC Childcare and Peer Education Project Facebook pages providing activities, information, advice and resources for users, parents, families and young people.
Provision of food bank vouchers – phone 07526693349 on Sunday and Thursday evenings from 6-8pm.
Daily contact telephone number: 02890481632 - 9.30-12.30pm
Email: info@ballybeenwomenscentre.org

Ballybeen Women's Centre
Ballybeen Women's Centre
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service