54.543866636245, -6.0096252286297

Seymour Hill Covid Response Team

Seymour Hill and Conway Youth Council

7 Elm Corner, Seymourhill, BT17 9PZ

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered

We can deliver your shopping, prescriptions, urgent supplies and post for those unable to get out or isolating. 

We can also provide a friendly chat on the phone. 

How to access this support

Ring Julieann Jackson on 07872 426648

If you live in the area, you'll have received a leaflet with details. 

Telephone number

Seymour Hill and Conway Youth Council

Seymour Hill Covid Response Team

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service