Mediation Covid Support

Stepping Stones NI Youth Service

Qualifications and Work Experience - Job Seekers

Health and Leisure Activities: Ardoyne

Consultancy - Training and Employment Opportunities for Unemployed People: Ballysillan

Education/Training (Employment): Water Works

Employment Opportunities: Ballysillan

Earn As You Learn (18-25 Year Olds who Wish to Gain Training and Experience in Youth Leadership)

NEETS & Employability Services (Young People Aged 16-24): North Belfast

Training & Employment Opportunities for Unemployed People: Ardoyne

AMH New Horizons (Adults Recovering from Mental Ill-Health): Belfast

Information and Advice Services: Employment and Benefits

Information and Advice on Training for Staff - Employers

Apprenticeships Opportunities for Young People 16-24

Information and Advice for Parents on Vocational Training Opportunities for Young People

Qualifications for School Leavers (16/17 years old)

Peace Impact Programme: Twadell/ Woodvale

Employability Training to Local Residents + Community Activities: Twadell/Woodvale

Training & Support for Artists and Events/Festivals Organisers

Belfast City Council's Co-operative Support Programme

Support for Co-operatives and Community Businesses

Go For It - Support to Help Develop a Business Plan to Grow a Business

Transition From School (18-30 Year Olds who Have a Learning Disability)

Training and Employment to Local Residents: Ligoniel

Young Persons Employment Initiative (18 to 24 year olds not in Employment, Education or Training)

Family Education, Training and Employability: Crumlin Road

Call - ICT Project (Employment Opportunities): Lower North Belfast

Partnership with the Youth Justice Agency: Ballysillan

BHSCT Employability Mentoring Service for Young People: Belfast

Advice and Guidance for Young People: Vision Impairment/Blindness

Vine Centre Advice Services: Water Works

Community Family Support Programme: New Lodge

Community Development (Youth): Ardoyne

BHSCT Employability Service for Young People: Belfast

Eye Work Too Project (Employment Service Blind and Partially Sighted)

GET SET for Work (Youth Employability Programme for Young People 16-24): Belfast

Core Project (Employability Programme for Young People Aged 16-24): North Belfast

Training & Assisting Unemployed Women from Local Communities

Workable Project (Supporting Blind and Partially Sighted People at Work): For Employers and Employees

Building Futures: Supporting Economically Inactive Unemployed Women into Employment, Training or Volunteering

LEMIS+ Project (Employability Programme - People Unemployed and not in Education): Belfast

Floating Support for Travellers: Belfast and Derry

National Citizenship Service (NCS) - Youth: Building Skills and Friendships

Employment, Teamwork and Community Skills Qualifications

PASS - Promote, Advance, Support for Success to Women: North Belfast

Information and Advice on Apprenticeships: Glengormley

Switch onto Employment - Supporting Young People (16-24) to Move into Training, Education or Employment: Greater Belfast

Exploring Enterprise - Mentoring and Training (Starting a Business or Gaining Employment)

Promoting Opportunities Programme #notjustforboys: for post-GCSE Young Girls not Pursuing an Academic Route

Employers' Apprenticeship Training: Glengormley

Journeys (Women Aged 18+ Involved Within the Criminal Justice System): Belfast

Personal Development and Employability Skills Qualifications

Let Youth Lead (Cross-community Youth Work and Good Relationd): Cliftonville, Cavehill & Antrim Road

Community Centre - Activities, Events and Programmes: Duncairn

The Orientation Programme (Practical Information Concerning Housing): Belfast

Qualifications for Professional Development

Employability for AA Veterans Beneficiaries: Crumlin Road

Aiming Higher - Project Under Evaluation (Mentoring Project for Young People)

Learning and Transformative Opportunities for Young People (Community Empowerment)

Promoting Employment Relations

Community (Local) Events

Supported Housing for Young People: Greater Belfast

Employability (Assisting Young People 16+ Leaving Care): Western And Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Mentoring for Young People (Guidance): Woodvale

Advice on Good Employment Practice and Resolution of Workplace Practice

Giving and Getting Involved (Volunteering): Duncairn

Moving Forward, Moving On (Helping Young People 26-24 not in Education, Training or Employment and/or with Histyory of Offending Behaviour)

Essential Potential (Providing Young People with Essential Skills Qualifications)

Viable: Outsourced Corporate Services and Strategic Planning Consultancy (Third Sector)

Anti-poverty Awareness Service: New Lodge

Life Skills and Employment:

Employability (young people aged 16+ who are not ready to take part in a training course, attend college or move into work)

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Individual and Collective Development: Carrick Hill, New Lodge

Youth Club Services: Ardoyne

Training Programmes (Employability): North Belfast

Meant To Work (Mentoring/Employment Service Young People 16-24): Greater Belfast Area

CO-MENT (Support to Young People 16-24 Not In Education, Employment or Training): North Belfast

Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast

Education and Training (Personal Development, Confidence, Mentoring): Women

Apprenticeships Opportunities for Young People 16-24

Out and About - Specialist Support to People with Autism

Programmes for Young People: New Lodge

Individual Placement Support - Employment Mentoring

Step Into Employment Programme: 25 to 59 year olds not in Employment, Education or Training

Training and Education + Employability Programmes for Republican Ex-Prisoners and Their Families: North Belfast

Supporting People with Autism to Gain Confidence and Skills

Employment and Training - Employees With Any Form of Learning Difficulty or Autism

Supported Employment Solutions - People with Disabilities & Health Conditions

Training for Success (Young School Leavers)

Welfare Rights Advice for Republican Ex-Prisoners and Their Families: North Belfast

Box Clever - Employment/Training/Volunteering Programme for Young People: Monkstown, Newtownabbey


Services which provide support and advice around finding employment.

109 support services available

Employers' Apprenticeship Training: Glengormley

Loughview Training Services Ltd

Unit 12a-1st Floor, Ferbro Building 335 Antrim Road, Glengormley BT36 5DZ

Employment Opportunities: Ballysillan

Ballysillan Community Initiatives

82 Ballysillan Park, Belfast, BT14 8HB

Employment, Teamwork and Community Skills Qualifications

The King's Trust

Weavers Court, Linfield Industrial Estate, Belfast BT12 5GH

Eye Work Too Project (Employment Service Blind and Partially Sighted)

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)

Victoria House 15-17 Gloucester Street Belfast BT1 4LS

GET SET for Work (Youth Employability Programme for Young People 16-24): Belfast

Youth Action Northern Ireland

14 College Square North Belfast BT1 6AS

Giving and Getting Involved (Volunteering): Duncairn

Belfast Recovery College

Ground Floor Lanyon Building, North Derby Street, Belfast, BT15 3HL

Health and Leisure Activities: Ardoyne

Ardoyne Bone Community Health and Leisure Trust (ABC Health and Leisure Trust))

51-59 Ardilea Street, Belfast, BT14 7DG

Individual and Collective Development: Carrick Hill, New Lodge

Carrick Hill Residents Association

Carrick Hill Community Centre 2A Regent Street Belfast BT13 1EX

Individual Placement Support - Employment Mentoring

Action Mental Health

Level 2 Fisherwick Building, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast BT1 6FB

Information and Advice on Apprenticeships: Glengormley

Loughview Training Services Ltd

Unit 12a-1st Floor, Ferbro Building 335 Antrim Road, Glengormley BT36 5DZ

Information and Advice on Training for Staff - Employers

Workforce Training

467 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 3BS

Information and Advice Services: Employment and Benefits

North Belfast Jobs & Benefits Office

Design Centre 39 Corporation Street Belfast BT1 3BA

Life Skills and Employment:

Groundwork Northern Ireland

63-75 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, BT15 2GB

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP

COVID-19 Service