Mediation Northern Ireland

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Rob Colwell

We work with individuals, communities and organisations in the public, private and third sector to support them to deal with difference and to find non violent resolutions to disputes.

MNI has a vision of a peaceful society where conflict and change are handled well through evolving relations. We act according to our core values of non-violence, integrity, justice and respect.  We work with individuals, communities and organisations in the public, private and third sector. Our work supports people to build relations and to manage conflict in the community and in the workplace. We seek to build local skills, resources and capabilities for mediative work in support of community cohesion and good relations.

Mediation Northern Ireland's Services

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP

COVID-19 Service

Practitioner Support - Disputes: Belfast

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street Belfast BT7 1HP

Programmes & Events (Peacebuilding)

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street Belfast BT7 1HP

Resolving Disputes (Personal and Professional): Belfast

Mediation Northern Ireland

83 University Street, Belfast BT7 1HP

Mediation Northern Ireland's Content


Mediation Northern Ireland

Mediation Theory & Practice introduces participants to a mediation process for use in two-party disputes and constructive relationship building.
05 October - 23 November 2023

Mediation Northern Ireland

The course introduces a basic mediation process for use in a two party dispute or in constructive relationship building. Mediation Theory & Practice is accredited by the Open College Network Northern Ireland. This course is accredited as a Level 3 course earning 9 credit points. This equates to an NVQ Level 3 or an Advanced Diploma.
20 April 2023

Mediation Northern Ireland

The course introduces a basic mediation process for use in a two party dispute or in constructive relationship building. Mediation Theory & Practice is accredited by the Open College Network Northern Ireland. This course is accredited as a Level 3 course earning 9 credit points. This equates to an NVQ Level 3 or an Advanced Diploma.
12 May - 07 July 2022

Mediation Northern Ireland

The course introduces a basic mediation process for use in a two party dispute or in constructive relationship building. Mediation Theory & Practice is accredited by the Open College Network Northern Ireland. This course is accredited as a Level 3 course earning 9 credit points. This equates to an NVQ Level 3 or an Advanced Diploma.
04 February - 07 April 2020

Mediation Northern Ireland

Mediation Northern Ireland offers bright, comfortable and low cost room hire in South Belfast. Our rooms are suitable for training, meetings, interviews, and assessment days.

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Rob Colwell
  • Aine O'Keeffe
  • Rob Colwell