Counselling / Support for Homeless People: Belfast

Advice, Support and Information Service on Homelessness: Belfast

Temporary Hostel Accomodation for Homeless Men: Belfast

Accommodation for Families and Single Women at Risk of Being Homeless: Duncairn Avenue, North Belfast

Help with Housing: Woodvale & Shankill

Housing and Planning: Fortwilliam

Community Development: Duncairn

Homeless Public Health Nursing Service: Belfast

Financial Advice To Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Resettlement Programme for Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Jean Todd Close - Personal Care and Housing Support to Young People and Adults with Learning/Intellectual Disabilities: Antrim

Help Centre - Housing: North Belfast

Help with Housing: North Belfast

Help - Applying for Housing

Information and Advice Services: Across North Belfast

Supported Housing and Resettlement for Offenders: North Belfast

Clearwater House (People at Risk or Recovering from Mental Health Issues): North Belfast

Dumbarton House (People at Risk or Recovering from Mental Health Issues): North Belfast

Glencarn House (Housing for People with Mental Health Issues): Glengormley

Employability Training to Local Residents + Community Activities: Twadell/Woodvale

Emergency Accommodation for WOmen and Children Experiencing Domestic Violence: Belfast

Family Floating Support - Families at Risk of Homelessness

Housing First Belfast (Helping Homeless People Maintain a Permanent Home in the Community): North Belfast

Mater Dei (Emergency Accommodation for Homeless Families): Antrim Road, Duncairn

One-Stop-Shop: Free Legal, Benefits and Housing Advice

Stella Maris (Helping Homeless People with Alcohol Issues in Belfast): Sailortown, North Belfast

Supported Living Services: People with a learning disability/acquired brain injury/on the autistic spectrum

The "Restorative" Rehabilitation Programme: Supported Accommodation for Men Seeking Recovery from Addiction

Community Development (Youth): Ardoyne

Refugee Florating Support Service

Money Advice: Clanmil

Floating Support for Travellers: Belfast and Derry

Support Services to Refugees (Housing, Finances, Health, Education, Employment, Social Inclusion, etc)

Supported Accommodation - People in the Process of Moving Away from Substances

Training for Professional Development to Frontline Housing Advisers in VCSE Sector: East Belfast

Welfare Rights Advice for Republican Ex-Prisoners and Their Families: North Belfast

Advice and Support Service - Housing & Environmental: Greater New Lodge Area

Housing Support for Older People: Greater Belfast

Housing Advice, Support and Information: Cliftonville

Kirk House (Housing with Care): Older People

Out and About - Specialist Support to People with Autism

Supported Housing for Young People: Greater Belfast

Temporary and Emergency Accommodation (Homelessness)

Crisis Accommodation for Women: Belfast

Alcohol Housing Support: Belfast

Day Drop-in Centre (Homelessness): Belfast

Homelessness Prevention: Helping People Move to Permanent Accommodation

Floating Support to Former Homeless People: Belfast

Dual Diagnosis Street Team (DDST): Homeless Individuals Dealing with Mental Health and Addiction in Belfast

Rehabilitation Support to Offenders and Victims: Improvement of Community Safety/Cohesion

Street Outreach (Life-saving Care and Support for People on the Street): Belfast

Outreach Support (Drug and Alcohol): Homeless People Living Within Simon Community NI Projects

Welcome Home (Skills and Training in Restyling and Redesigning Furniture): Belfast

Permanent Accommodation for Homeless People: Belfast

Clothing Provision

Homeless Traveller Project (Helping the Travellers Community)

Specialist Support to Homeless People - Dual Diagnosis (Co-Existing Mental Health and Substance Use)

Furniture Provision

Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast

Homeless Young People Support Services: Belfast

Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast

Housing & Homelessness

Services which support issues around homelessness and housing in general, including finding hostel placements, community outreach etc.


77 support services available

Help with Housing: Woodvale & Shankill

Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association Ltd

91 – 95 Woodvale Road Belfast BT13 3BP

Homeless Public Health Nursing Service: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

83 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FD

Homeless Young People Support Services: Belfast

Simon Community Northern Ireland

25-27 Franklin Street, Belfast, BT2 8DS (headquarters)

Homelessness Prevention: Helping People Move to Permanent Accommodation

Simon Community Northern Ireland

25-27 Franklin Street, Belfast, BT2 8DS (head quarters)

Housing Advice, Support and Information: Cliftonville

Cliftonville Community Regeneration Forum

185 Cliftonpark Avenue, Belfast BT14 6DT

Housing and Planning: Fortwilliam

Cavehill Antrim Road Regeneration

545 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 3BS

Information and Advice Services: Across North Belfast

North Belfast Advice Partnership

The Wolfhill Centre 148 Ligoniel Road Belfast BT14 8DT

Kirk House (Housing with Care): Older People

Belfast Central Mission

110 Kings Road, Belfast BT5 7BX

Money Advice: Clanmil

Clanmil Housing Association

Northern Whig House, 3 Waring Street, Belfast, BT1 2DX

Outreach Support (Drug and Alcohol): Homeless People Living Within Simon Community NI Projects

Simon Community Northern Ireland

25-27 Franklin Street, Belfast, BT2 8DS (headquarters)

Permanent Accommodation for Homeless People: Belfast

Simon Community Northern Ireland

25-27 Franklin Street, Belfast, BT2 8DS (headquarters)