449 Antrim Road
BT15 3BJ
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ORIGINS Depaul (originally Depaul Trust) derives its name and mission from the work of St Vincent de Paul (1580 -1660) who was a major social reformer in 17th century Europe. His work was extremely innovative and challenged the perceptions held by both Church and State by reaching out to the most poor and marginalised of his day. Vincent believed in action rather than words and as a result his work turned into a worldwide movement in the space of his lifetime. This work continues today under the auspices of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, and other Vincentian groups, with over a million active members globally. Depaul was initially established in London in 1989 at the initiative of the late Cardinal Basil Hume as a response to the growing numbers of young people sleeping rough on the streets of London. The founding partners were the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Passage Day Centre. It is non-judgmental in the same way that Vincent de Paul was and focuses on being innovative and action-driven. DEPAUL IN IRELAND Depaul Trust in Ireland was established in 2002 at the request of the SVP in Ireland, The Daughters of Charity and the Vincentian Fathers. It was envisaged that with the experience and expertise that Depaul had accumulated in England would be invaluable to the homeless sector in Ireland. As with Depaul in England it continues to have strong links with the founding agencies. However, its staff and its client group are drawn from all walks of life
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- Francis Downey
- Depaul Ireland
- Ciaran Murphy
- Ciaran Murphy
- Laura Kennedy
- Francis Downey