54.612234986672, -5.9365349756258

Accommodation for Families and Single Women at Risk of Being Homeless: Duncairn Avenue, North Belfast

Salvation Army Thorndale House
Help offered

Thorndale Lifehouse has 27 self-contained, furnished flats, consisting of 16 flats and 4 single rooms for females who share lounge, bathroom and kitchen. We provide 24 hour accommodation for families and single women who find themselves in need of short term accommodation. Timescales can vary from 6 months to max. 2 years.

How to access this support

All referrals must be made via the homeless support unit within the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Great Victoria street, Belfast, who can be reached on 03448920900. Single women (aged 16 years plus) Pregnant women Families (single parents, couples,

Telephone number
Supported Age Groups

Salvation Army Thorndale House

Salvation Army Thorndale House