LLTCA, Laurencetown - Activities at the centre and offered to the wider community

Church and online services and meetings aimed at those of any background who want to allow themselves to be changed by contact with God.

Women@Ballycraigy: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Rosemary Lunch Club for "Seniors": Cavehill

Time 4 U (Befriending Group for Women): York Road

Youth Club: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Presbyterian Women: Cavehill


20-2-40s Gatherings: Ballycraigy

Men's Fellowship (Sports and Befriending): Shore Road, Duncairn

Social Programmes for Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

PCN Totzone: Newtownabbey

Community Development: Woodvale, Shankill

Mens Evening: Newtownabbey

PCN Glow (Youth Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Senior Citizens: North Belfast

Old Boys Association (Men Attending Immanuel Presyterian): Agnes Street, Shankill

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Remembering Our Military Heritage Through Fellowship and Shared Experience

Tea Leaf (Meeting/Befriending Club): Agnes Street, Shankill

Crafty Goodness (Arts abd Crafts): Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Thursday Morning Club (Socialising 50+): Glengormley

Old Girls' Association - Belfast Royal Academy

Presbyterian Women: Agnes Street, Shankill

Bridge Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Group Meeting - Current & Former Naval Service Personnel: Whitehouse

50+ Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

LHB Youth Club (Children in Secondary School): Shankill

Mother’s Union - Local Group: Woodvale

Buddy System - Senior Pupils as Buddies

Edge Youth Club (Children P4-P7): Shankill

Craft Group: Woodvale/Shankill

Trust - Cross-Community Activities: Forth River

Mothers and Toddlers: Shankill

Seniors’ Ministry Group: Woodvale

Men's Group: Crumlin Road

"Refresh" Adult Club: Shankill

Monthly "Tours" & "Talks"

Old Girls' Association - Belfast High School

Tables (Connecting with Local Community Groups)

Guides, Bunnies and Brownies: Glencairn

Fellowship Groups: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Crochet Group: Cavehill

Church Activities: Forth River

Mens' Events: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Holiday French Group: Cavehill

Support to Persons Living with a Diagnosis of Dementia: North Belfast

Lunchtime Hour: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

Painting Group: Cavehill

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Activities: West Kirk, Shankill

Craft Class: Innisfayle

Mothers and Toddlers: Shore Road, Innisfayle

The Well (Ministry to Young Adults 13-30 Years Old): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Women Together (Sharing Activities): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Better Together (Helping Adults with a Learning Disability Follow Their Interests)

Disability Project: North Belfast

Parents & Toddler Group: Duncairn

Parents & Tots: City Life Centre, Shankill

Abbey Allsorts (Space for Children with Special Needs and their Sibling to Come Together): Newtownabbey

The Natter Group: O'Neill, Newtownabbey

Family Group - Family Support and Fun: Cliftonville

The Same Sex Family Project: Information and Support to LGBT Couples and their Children

Care Services - Emotional Distress (People Vulnerable, at Risk of Suicidal Behaviours or in Need of Assistance)

Friendship Club (age 50+): Avoca Street, Lower Oldpark

Youth Services - Let's Talk Gender Identity 16-24

Training Services - Suicide Prevention, Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, Self-Care and Befriending

Services For The Elderly: Duncairn

Home Visitation to Individuals and Families: North Belfast

Befriending Service: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Activities, Events and Programmes: Collinbridge, Newtownabbey

Drop In Sessions - Young People (11-18): Woodvale

Outreach Support to Individuals Experiencing Bereavements, Injury or Trauma (Legacy Issues): North Belfast

Meetings (50+ living in the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Area)

Remembrance and Acknowledgement - Survivors of Trauma

Befriending & Help with Occasional Tasks - Vulnerable Adults and Older People

National Citizenship Service (NCS) - Youth: Building Skills and Friendships

Active Lives After Cancer: North Belfast

Men United: Newtownabbey

Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Creative Workshops: Cancer Lifeline

Oasis, Friendship: Newtownabbey

Community Access Service: Sight Loss/Blindness

Female Support Group: Women Living with Cancer

Sunday Drop-In for Young People: Newtownabbey

Community Groups - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Youth Fellowship, Newtownabbey

Community Space & Training - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Fandom - Social Forum for Young Adults Socially Isolated or with a Form of Autism/Asperger's Syndrome

Wednesday Older Women (Lesbian and Bisexual 30+): Belfast

Kidnap Wednesday: Adults with Learning Difficulties

Rosemount House Ex-residents Follow Up (Isolation, Loneliness, Depression, Befriending): Antrim Road

Family Support & Befriending: Duncairn

Drop-in for Young People: Ballysillan

Asylum Seekers and Refugees Support Network

Telephone Support Call Alert Service to the Elerdly and Vulnerable Adults: North Belfast

Group Work for Youth - Community Development: Ballysillan

Befriending (Reducing LGBTQ+ Individual's Social Isolation)

Lighthouse Drop in Cafe (Senior Citizens - Befriending): Ballygomartin

Mentoring and Discipleship Groups for Youth: Ballysillan

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

Senior Citizen Outreach (Visitation, Activities, Events): Ballygomartin

Wednesday Lunch Club (Older People): Greater Belfast Area

Gay and Bisexual Dads Group (Peer Support and Advice)

Community Centre: Shankill

Emotional and Practical support for families

Pastoral care & befriending service & Food Store for Dromore/ Kinallen/ Dromara/ Blackskull/ Donaghcloney.


Services offering companionship and support to you or the person you care for.

Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated.

116 support services available

"Refresh" Adult Club: Shankill

Living Hope Belfast Church

25 Shankill Parade Belfast, BT13 1DS

20-2-40s Gatherings: Ballycraigy

Ballycraigy Congregational Church

Ballycraigy Congregational Church, Ballycraigy Road, Newtownabbey BT36 4TB

50+ Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

Indian Senior Citizens Club 50+

3 Dalewood, Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 5WR

Activities, Events and Programmes: Collinbridge, Newtownabbey

Community Relations Forum

The Barron Hall 230 Antrim Road Newtownabbey BT36 7QX

Activities: West Kirk, Shankill

West Kirk Presbyterian

236A Shankill Rd, Belfast BT13 2BL

Asylum Seekers and Refugees Support Network

The Rainbow Project

Belfast Office 23-31 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX

Befriending (Reducing LGBTQ+ Individual's Social Isolation)

The Rainbow Project

Belfast Office 23-31 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX

Befriending Service: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Redeeming Our Communities Northern Ireland

Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Bridge Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

St Peter and St James' Parish Church, Belfast (CoI) (HQ)

Waterloo Park South Belfast BT15 5HX

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Church Activities: Forth River

St Andrew's Parish Church, Glencairn (CoI) (HQ)

Forthriver Rd, Belfast BT13 3US

Community Access Service: Sight Loss/Blindness

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)

Victoria House 15-17 Gloucester Street Belfast BT1 4LS

Craft Class: Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle

837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Craft Group: Woodvale/Shankill

St Matthew's Parish Church, Shankill (CoI) (HQ)

Woodvale Road, Belfast BT13 3BN

Crafty Goodness (Arts abd Crafts): Antrim Road, Innisfayle

St Peter and St James' Parish Church, Belfast (CoI) (HQ)

Waterloo Park South Belfast BT15 5HX

Crochet Group: Cavehill

Rosemary Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

26/38 North Circular Road, Belfast, BT15 5HD