54.415144467531, -6.1481230862079

Pastoral care & befriending service & Food Store for Dromore/ Kinallen/ Dromara/ Blackskull/ Donaghcloney.

Via Wings

Wellington House, 9-13 Princes Street, Dromore, BT25 1AY

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered

We are the local distribution centre for our area, offering food and essential item bags and boxes to those in need. If you are in need, self isolating, financially impacted or finding yourself in need for any other reason we may be able to help. We are delivering regular food parcels across our district and also offering pastoral care through phone calls, help and advice. If you need help, call the number provided. 

How to access this support

Call us on 07946 783279

Email: info@viawings.co.uk


Email Address
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups

Via Wings

Via Wings

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service