Mount Vernon Community House
166-180 Mount Vernon Park
BT15 4BJ
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Laura Feeney

Opening Hours

9am to 5pm Monday - Friday

Vision - To address social isolation, improve health & well-being and promote independence by empowering individuals to shape and manage their care and support, drawing on skills within local communities.

There is an increasing recognition that those with care and support needs generally want to live independent, socially inclusive lives with the opportunity to design their own care and support in a way that best meets their needs rather than trying to fit themselves into existing services.  C.L.A.R.E.  will work closely with BHSCT, engaging with those most vulnerable to design and implement a holistic living plan utilising a self-assessment approach that will achieve a better quality of life, better health and well-being outcomes and empower individuals to have ownership and greater control over the care and support services they receive. 


This holistic approach will foster independence reducing the likeliness of early reliance on statutory services by utilising the skills, expertise and neighbourliness of the local community and wider voluntary and community sector, responding to the practical needs of the individual.  The project will support individuals to identify the services, resources and practical aids they require, signpost and align them to appropriate resources and provide assistance with practical aids and support to engage in wider services through skilled community champion volunteers. This seamless model of delivery will ensure vulnerable individuals have information and access to the right support at the right time, remove potential barriers to engagement and effectively enable them to maintain their independence, prevent deterioration in health outcomes and improve health and well-being.  

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  • Gretta Thompson