54.617001133264, -5.938056001898

Care Services - Emotional Distress (People Vulnerable, at Risk of Suicidal Behaviours or in Need of Assistance)

PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland
Help offered

We offer a "no appointment needed" service to ensure there is always someone to contact for a chat when a person might feel vulnerable, at risk of suicidal behaviours or is simply in need of assistance. When a person comes for help, they will be spoken to immediately and a stay safe/support plan will be put in place. we can provide befriending services, advocacy support and complimentary therapies

How to access this support

Drop in directly or contact organisation for access to this service.


Contact Martina Mc Ilkenny at martina@pipscharity.com.

Email Address
Telephone number
Supported Age Groups
PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland

PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland

PIPS Charity - Suicide Prevention Ireland