Sports First Aid

Haemorrhage Control

BOOST Programme

Support to Scouting Ireland Groups: North Belfast

After School Playgroup: Carnmoney

Girls Brigade: Abbots Cross, Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Guides (Girls 10-14): Glengormley

PCN Glow (Youth Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Ignite - Youth Club: York Road

Drop In - Young People: New Lodge

Booking Loughside Playing Fields: Shore Road

Junior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Ballysillan

Youth Club (5-16 years Old): North Belfast

Evening Bingo Game: Woodvale

Boxing Classes: Legoniel

ACE Youth (Young People Aged P6 Onwards): Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Brownies (Girls 7-10): Glengormley

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Community Good News Club: York Road

‘New Look, New Lodge’ Programme for Girls 8-11 Year Old (Personal and Social Development): New Lodge

Booking Soccer Pitches and Bowling Green: Woodvale Park

Senior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Grove

Townswomen's Afternoons (Sport and Leisure Activities): Fortwilliam, Belfast

Desperate Housewives' Circuit Training: Woodvale

Parent Programmes e.g. Cook It, Nurture, Parenting Puzzle: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel

ACE Junior (Youth Club for Children Aged P1 - P5): Newtownabbey

Friday Club Juniors: Glengormley

Bridge Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Summer Scheme: York Road

Workshops and Classes: Duncairn

Mens Fitness Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Girdwood

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

Boxing Training Nights: Chichester Park

Training Sessions (Athletics) - Juniors: Oldpark, North Belfast

Table Tennis: Newtownabbey

Friday Club Seniors (Boys and Girls 8-14): Glengormley

Badmington Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Table Tennis: York Road

Theatre Classe: Woodvale

Boxing Class: Water Works

Martial Arts: Newtownabbey

Thursday Morning Club (Socialising 50+): Glengormley

Youth Centre: Cliftonville

Training Sessions (Athletics) - Senior: Oldpark, North Belfast

Ballyhenry Bowling Fellowship: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Walking Club: Glengormley

Carnmoney Community Friendship Club

Zumba: York Road

Friends of Finlay Park: Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions for Boys and Girls 4-9 Years Old: North Belfast

Basketball 'Stars' of the future (5 -12 years old): Antrim Road, Water|Works

Krav Maga Classes: Belfast

Community Centre: Cliftonville

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense Classes

Church Activities: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Weekly Church Programme: Glengormley

JOY (Just Older Youth), Women's Club: Newtownabbey

Conducting Workshops & Seminars (Community Development): York Road

Friends of Waterworks: Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions (Boys and Girls 4-19 Years Old): North Belfast

Tennis Classes: Cavehill

Karate Classes: Falls

Community Centre Activities: Ardoyne

Community Centre: Shankill

Activities for Older Children: Ballygomartin

Men's Football: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girls Brigade: Agnes Street

Youth Club: Newtownabbey

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense: Shankill

Friends of Grove Playing Fields: Fields/Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions: Westland, North Belfast

Bowling Club: Cliftonville

Self-Defence and Martial-Arts Classes: Falls

Playgroup (Children): Newtownabbey

Community Centre - Multiple Sport Classes: Ardoyne

Soccer & Gaelic Pitches: Water Works

Community Group - Youth Activities: Glebe, Newtownabbey

Christian Endeavour: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Hope Kids Club (Children in Primary School): Shankill

The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade: Church Road, Newtownabbey

Fitness Classes: Ardoyne

Friends of Woodvale Park: Park Maintenance and Development

Football - Male Section: Ardoyne and Marrowbone Areas

Bowling Greens: York Road

Karate Classes: Ardoyne

Old Girls' Association - Belfast Royal Academy

Boys' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Trust - Cross-Community Activities: Forth River

Boy's Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Drama Group: Cavehill

The Indoor Bowling Club: Newtownabbey

Community Hub: Girdwood, Water Works

ParkLife Saturday Club: Ballysillan

Football - Female Section: Ardoyne and Marrowbone Areas

Swimming Sessions: Duncairn

Karate Classes: Duncairn

Club Nights (People Living with Disabilities): Duncairn, North Belfast

Girls' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Group Sessions: Glengormley, Newtownabbey

Holiday Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Crochet Group: Cavehill

The Choir: Newtownabbey

Sport Activities: Ballysillan

Booking Mallusk Playing Fields: Park Road, Newtownabbey

GAA Club Sessions (Children)

Sub-aqua Regular Club Night: Duncairn, North Belfast

Valley Netball Club: Shore Road, Newtownabbey

Youth Group: Chichester Park

Youth Club: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Old Girls' Association - Belfast High School

Youth Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

Girlguiding (Girls Aged 10-15): Cavehill

After School Drop-in: Ardoyne

Grove Wellbeing Centre Leisure Activities

Pitch Booking Clarendon Park Playing Fields: Somerdale, Forth River

Camogie: Glengormley

Swim Club: Ballysillan

Community Centre: Duncairn

Playgroup (Children 3-4 Years Old): Duncairn

Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey

Sewing Seeds: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

The Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys: North Circular Road

Kids & Young People Scout Groups: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Sport Hall, Pool & Gym: Shore Road

Playing Fields Bookings: Cliftonville

Football: Glengormley

Hip-Hop Classes for Children/Teens and Young Adults: Belfast

Boxing Training Sessions: Glengormley

Courses for Adults (16+) to Cut Levels of Anti-Social Behaviour: Shankill

Boys Brigade: Shankill

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Men's Fellowship (Sports and Befriending): Shore Road, Duncairn

Weekly Sport Sessions: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Sport Activities: Shankill

Dover Street Millennium Park: Shankill Road

Ladies Football: Glengormley

Social Ballroom and Latin: Belfast

Football Club for Children and Seniors: Shore Road

Community Centre: Ligoniel

Amateur Boxing Sessions: Shankill

Hindu Community Centre: Special Activities for Kids

Book Club: Glengormley

Girls' Brigade: Shore Road, Duncairn

Boys' Brigade & Girl Guides: Tennent Street, Shankill

Sport Activities: Girdwood

Basketball / Netball Court: Finlay Park, Whitewell Road

Hurling: Glengormley

Reel-Style Adult Classes: Holy family Parish centre

Extra-curricular Activities: Hill Croft Special School

Services To Disabled Servicemen & Women: Outings, Entertainement and Respite Breaks

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Hindu Community Centre: Sunday Activities

Bowling Club: Glengormley

Junior Christian Endeavour (Club for Children 4-12): Shore Road, Duncairn

Arts and Crafts Activities: Shankill

After-school Club (P1 - P3 & P4 - P7): Ballysillan

Booking Playing Fields: Grove

GAA Club: Ardoyne

Gym Classes: Shankill

Playgroup: Ballygomartin

Community Centre: North Queen Street, New Lodge

Trekkers (Older Children): Glengormley

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

Girl Guides – Rainbows (Girls 4-7): Glengormley

Sunday School: Duncairn

Boys Brigade: York Road

Youth Centre: Innisfayle

Booking Hammer Playing Fields: Agnes Street, Shankill Road

Gym Classes: Ballysillan

Senior Citizens: North Belfast

Morning Playgroup (Children): Shankill

Baby Rave (Dance and Music Event for Children under 4 and Their Parents)

Parents & Tots: City Life Centre, Shankill

Out & About Project for Young Women 16-25 Identifying as Other than Heterosexual: Belfast

Parents Support - Personal Development and Life Skills Training: Falls

Steeper Steps (Emotional/Psychological Help for Marginalised and Excluded Young Women)

Beat Carnival Centre Programmes (Youth and Community Groups, Schools and Other Venues)

Training & Support for Artists and Events/Festivals Organisers

Write Club (ages 13-18) - Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.

Girl Guides: Shankill Road

Connect Youth (Boys): Hammer Leisure Centre, Duncairn

Monday Club for Boys and Girls of Primary School Age: Shankill Road

Disability Project: North Belfast

The Girls Brigade: Shankill

Parents & Toddler Group: Duncairn

Activities: West Kirk, Shankill

Stories@theDuncairn - Creative Writing Class: Duncairn

Craft Class: Innisfayle

After School Programme for 5-12 Year Olds: Ballygomartin

Girls Brigade: Shore Road

Community Relations (Cross-Community Cultural Diversity): Ballygomartin

Scouts: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Leadership & Active Citizenship for Young People Within their Community: Ballygomartin

The Well (Ministry to Young Adults 13-30 Years Old): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Youth Community and Personal Development: Manor Street, Cliftonville

Women Together (Sharing Activities): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Butterfly Club (Afterschool Club for Children with Special Needs): City Life Centre, Shankill

WTL Football for Boys and Girls 7-12: Shore Road, Innisfayle

After Schools Programme: Duncairn

Exercise in the Water (Rehabilitation): Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, East Belfast

Tasters (Cross-community Arts Activities): North Belfast

Youth Club: Ardoyne

Education and Training (Social Inclusion): Cliftonville

Danderball - Walking Football: Shankill

TRIBE Retreat: Young People 17-21 with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

Youth Club & Drop-in (P5+): Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Community Development Through Local Projects and Activities: Twaddell/Woodvale Area

Programmes for Young People: New Lodge

Early Years - Let's Play and Grow Project (Deaf Children Aged 0-8 & Families)

A.B.B.E.Y. Fit & Fab: Newtownabbey

Bowls: Newtownabbey

Kidnap Wednesday: Adults with Learning Difficulties

Youth Clubs: Children and Young Deaf & Hard of Hearing People

Cook It (Cookery Programme): Newtownabbey

Sunday Drop-In for Young People: Newtownabbey

Summer Activities: Ballysillan

Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Creative Workshops: Cancer Lifeline

Preschool Playgroup: Glengormley

Schools Outreach: Local Schools, Ballysillan

Personal Development - Children & Young People: IMprovement of Confidence, Self-esteem and Skills

Get Active Programmes: Cancer

Multiple Sclerosis Group: Grove Leisure Centre, Duncairn

Summer Football Camp: Ballysillan

Holiday Play Schemes for Local Children (5-11): New Lodge

Community Groups - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

YFC Summer Camp: Ballysillan

Out of Schools Club: New Lodge

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Murals & Re-imaging: North Belfast

Playgroup (Children 2-3 Years Old): New Lodge

Box Clever - Employment/Training/Volunteering Programme for Young People: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Community Centre - Activities, Events and Programmes: Duncairn

Come and Play (Parents and Children Under 4 Years): Benview/Ballysillan

Star Youth Project (Programme for Young People 11-21): New Lodge

Boxing Classes: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Children's after School Club and Weekend Club: Ballygomartin

Short Breaks for Older People: Belfast

Support for People With an Intellectual Disability (Sports, Health and Leadership Programmes)

Family Fun (Child Care Experiences for Children): North Belfast

Creative Arts Project for Young People: Ballygomartin

Tea Dances (Older People): Belfast

Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs: Water Works

Preschool Playgroup: Collinbridge

Health Promotion Projects (Information, Weight Loss and Exercise Programmes): Ballygomartin

Adult Circus: Belfast

Drop In Sessions - Young People (11-18): Woodvale

Lighthouse Drop in Cafe (Senior Citizens - Befriending): Ballygomartin

Itty Bitty Circus (2-7 years old): Belfast

Writing for Life (Writing Groups): Cancer Patients

Community Centre: Shankill

Youth Circus (8-18 years old): Belfast

Boccia - Great Game/Sport to Play From Your Chair (All Abilities): Falls

Arts Academy for Young People (Dance, Drama, Visual Arts Classes): New Lodge

Family Group - Family Support and Fun: Cliftonville

Chair-based Activity: Movement with Music on Chair and Relaxation: Divis Community Centre, Falls


Services which provide access to sport or leisure activities, such as sports clubs, walking clubs, couch to 5k, park runs, gyms etc.

281 support services available

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

The People's Church Newtownabbey

64 Mallusk Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey, BT36 4QE

Pitch Booking Clarendon Park Playing Fields: Somerdale, Forth River

Clarendon Park Playing Fields

Somerdale Park, Belfast, BT14

Playgroup (Children 3-4 Years Old): Duncairn

Resurrection Nursery & Playgroup

120 Cavehill Road, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT15 5BU

Playgroup (Children): Newtownabbey

Mallusk Community Playgroup

Mallusk Academy Sports Club Grounds 82 Mallusk Road Mallusk Newtownabbey BT36 4QF

Playgroup: Ballygomartin

Springhill Playgroup

247 Ballgomartin Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3NH

Playing Fields Bookings: Cliftonville

Cliftonville Playing Fields

Cliftonville Road, Belfast, BT14

Preschool Playgroup: Collinbridge

St Bernard's Preschool Playgroup

165 Antrim Road, Glengormley, Newtownabbey, BT36 7QR

Preschool Playgroup: Glengormley

St. Mary’s on the Hill Preschool Playgroup

142 Carnmoney Road Newtownabbey BT36 6JU

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense Classes


Unit 7 Merkland Place, Belfast, BT13 3BH

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense: Shankill

Compass Counselling

178-180 Shankill Road, Belfast BT13 2BH

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Ballyhenry Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5LU

Reel-Style Adult Classes: Holy family Parish centre

Anne Reid Irish Dance School

Holy Family Parish Centre, 120 Cavehill Road, Belfast, BT15 5BU

Schools Outreach: Local Schools, Ballysillan

Ballysillan Youth For Christ (the BlueHouses)

50-52 Benview Park, Belfast, BT14 8HU

Scouts: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle

837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Self-Defence and Martial-Arts Classes: Falls

Self Defence and Martial Arts Institute

Belfast C.IC. Training Academy 37 College Street, 2nd floor (above bench) Belfast BT1 6BU

Sewing Seeds: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Ballyhenry Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5LU

Soccer & Gaelic Pitches: Water Works

Waterworks Multi-Sports Facility

Cavehill Road Belfast BT14

Social Ballroom and Latin: Belfast

The Clarke School of Dancing

177 Donegall Street, Belfast BT1 2FJ