Sports First Aid

Haemorrhage Control

BOOST Programme

Youth Group: Chichester Park

Youth Club: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Old Girls' Association - Belfast High School

Youth Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

Girlguiding (Girls Aged 10-15): Cavehill

After School Drop-in: Ardoyne

Grove Wellbeing Centre Leisure Activities

Pitch Booking Clarendon Park Playing Fields: Somerdale, Forth River

Camogie: Glengormley

Swim Club: Ballysillan

Community Centre: Duncairn

Playgroup (Children 3-4 Years Old): Duncairn

Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey

Sewing Seeds: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

The Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys: North Circular Road

Kids & Young People Scout Groups: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Sport Hall, Pool & Gym: Shore Road

Playing Fields Bookings: Cliftonville

Football: Glengormley

Hip-Hop Classes for Children/Teens and Young Adults: Belfast

Boxing Training Sessions: Glengormley

Courses for Adults (16+) to Cut Levels of Anti-Social Behaviour: Shankill

Boys Brigade: Shankill

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Men's Fellowship (Sports and Befriending): Shore Road, Duncairn

Weekly Sport Sessions: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Sport Activities: Shankill

Dover Street Millennium Park: Shankill Road

Ladies Football: Glengormley

Social Ballroom and Latin: Belfast

Football Club for Children and Seniors: Shore Road

Community Centre: Ligoniel

Amateur Boxing Sessions: Shankill

Hindu Community Centre: Special Activities for Kids

Book Club: Glengormley

Girls' Brigade: Shore Road, Duncairn

Boys' Brigade & Girl Guides: Tennent Street, Shankill

Sport Activities: Girdwood

Basketball / Netball Court: Finlay Park, Whitewell Road

Hurling: Glengormley

Reel-Style Adult Classes: Holy family Parish centre

Extra-curricular Activities: Hill Croft Special School

Services To Disabled Servicemen & Women: Outings, Entertainement and Respite Breaks

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Hindu Community Centre: Sunday Activities

Bowling Club: Glengormley

Junior Christian Endeavour (Club for Children 4-12): Shore Road, Duncairn

Arts and Crafts Activities: Shankill

After-school Club (P1 - P3 & P4 - P7): Ballysillan

Booking Playing Fields: Grove

GAA Club: Ardoyne

Gym Classes: Shankill

Playgroup: Ballygomartin

Community Centre: North Queen Street, New Lodge

Trekkers (Older Children): Glengormley

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

Girl Guides – Rainbows (Girls 4-7): Glengormley

Sunday School: Duncairn

Boys Brigade: York Road

Youth Centre: Innisfayle

Booking Hammer Playing Fields: Agnes Street, Shankill Road

Gym Classes: Ballysillan

Senior Citizens: North Belfast

Support to Scouting Ireland Groups: North Belfast

After School Playgroup: Carnmoney

Girls Brigade: Abbots Cross, Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Guides (Girls 10-14): Glengormley

PCN Glow (Youth Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Ignite - Youth Club: York Road

Drop In - Young People: New Lodge

Booking Loughside Playing Fields: Shore Road

Junior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Ballysillan

Youth Club (5-16 years Old): North Belfast

Evening Bingo Game: Woodvale

Boxing Classes: Legoniel

ACE Youth (Young People Aged P6 Onwards): Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Brownies (Girls 7-10): Glengormley

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Community Good News Club: York Road

‘New Look, New Lodge’ Programme for Girls 8-11 Year Old (Personal and Social Development): New Lodge

Booking Soccer Pitches and Bowling Green: Woodvale Park

Senior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Grove

Townswomen's Afternoons (Sport and Leisure Activities): Fortwilliam, Belfast

Desperate Housewives' Circuit Training: Woodvale

Parent Programmes e.g. Cook It, Nurture, Parenting Puzzle: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel

ACE Junior (Youth Club for Children Aged P1 - P5): Newtownabbey

Friday Club Juniors: Glengormley

Bridge Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Summer Scheme: York Road

Workshops and Classes: Duncairn

Mens Fitness Sessions: New Lodge

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Girdwood

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

Boxing Training Nights: Chichester Park

Training Sessions (Athletics) - Juniors: Oldpark, North Belfast

Table Tennis: Newtownabbey

Friday Club Seniors (Boys and Girls 8-14): Glengormley

Badmington Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Table Tennis: York Road

Theatre Classe: Woodvale

Boxing Class: Water Works

Martial Arts: Newtownabbey

Thursday Morning Club (Socialising 50+): Glengormley

Youth Centre: Cliftonville

Training Sessions (Athletics) - Senior: Oldpark, North Belfast

Ballyhenry Bowling Fellowship: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Walking Club: Glengormley

Carnmoney Community Friendship Club

Zumba: York Road

Friends of Finlay Park: Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions for Boys and Girls 4-9 Years Old: North Belfast

Basketball 'Stars' of the future (5 -12 years old): Antrim Road, Water|Works

Krav Maga Classes: Belfast

Community Centre: Cliftonville

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense Classes

Church Activities: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Weekly Church Programme: Glengormley

JOY (Just Older Youth), Women's Club: Newtownabbey

Conducting Workshops & Seminars (Community Development): York Road

Friends of Waterworks: Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions (Boys and Girls 4-19 Years Old): North Belfast

Tennis Classes: Cavehill

Karate Classes: Falls

Community Centre Activities: Ardoyne

Community Centre: Shankill

Activities for Older Children: Ballygomartin

Men's Football: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girls Brigade: Agnes Street

Youth Club: Newtownabbey

Pure Krav Maga Self Defense: Shankill

Friends of Grove Playing Fields: Fields/Park Maintenance and Development

Football Sessions: Westland, North Belfast

Bowling Club: Cliftonville

Self-Defence and Martial-Arts Classes: Falls

Playgroup (Children): Newtownabbey

Community Centre - Multiple Sport Classes: Ardoyne

Soccer & Gaelic Pitches: Water Works

Community Group - Youth Activities: Glebe, Newtownabbey

Christian Endeavour: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Hope Kids Club (Children in Primary School): Shankill

The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade: Church Road, Newtownabbey

Fitness Classes: Ardoyne

Friends of Woodvale Park: Park Maintenance and Development

Football - Male Section: Ardoyne and Marrowbone Areas

Bowling Greens: York Road

Karate Classes: Ardoyne

Old Girls' Association - Belfast Royal Academy

Boys' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Trust - Cross-Community Activities: Forth River

Boy's Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Drama Group: Cavehill

The Indoor Bowling Club: Newtownabbey

Community Hub: Girdwood, Water Works

ParkLife Saturday Club: Ballysillan

Football - Female Section: Ardoyne and Marrowbone Areas

Swimming Sessions: Duncairn

Karate Classes: Duncairn

Club Nights (People Living with Disabilities): Duncairn, North Belfast

Girls' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Group Sessions: Glengormley, Newtownabbey

Holiday Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Crochet Group: Cavehill

The Choir: Newtownabbey

Sport Activities: Ballysillan

Booking Mallusk Playing Fields: Park Road, Newtownabbey

GAA Club Sessions (Children)

Sub-aqua Regular Club Night: Duncairn, North Belfast

Valley Netball Club: Shore Road, Newtownabbey

Stories@theDuncairn - Creative Writing Class: Duncairn

Craft Class: Innisfayle

After School Programme for 5-12 Year Olds: Ballygomartin

Girls Brigade: Shore Road

Community Relations (Cross-Community Cultural Diversity): Ballygomartin

Scouts: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Leadership & Active Citizenship for Young People Within their Community: Ballygomartin

The Well (Ministry to Young Adults 13-30 Years Old): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Youth Community and Personal Development: Manor Street, Cliftonville

Women Together (Sharing Activities): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Butterfly Club (Afterschool Club for Children with Special Needs): City Life Centre, Shankill

WTL Football for Boys and Girls 7-12: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Morning Playgroup (Children): Shankill

Baby Rave (Dance and Music Event for Children under 4 and Their Parents)

Parents & Tots: City Life Centre, Shankill

Out & About Project for Young Women 16-25 Identifying as Other than Heterosexual: Belfast

Parents Support - Personal Development and Life Skills Training: Falls

Steeper Steps (Emotional/Psychological Help for Marginalised and Excluded Young Women)

Beat Carnival Centre Programmes (Youth and Community Groups, Schools and Other Venues)

Training & Support for Artists and Events/Festivals Organisers

Write Club (ages 13-18) - Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.

Girl Guides: Shankill Road

Connect Youth (Boys): Hammer Leisure Centre, Duncairn

Monday Club for Boys and Girls of Primary School Age: Shankill Road

Disability Project: North Belfast

The Girls Brigade: Shankill

Parents & Toddler Group: Duncairn

Activities: West Kirk, Shankill

After Schools Programme: Duncairn

Short Breaks for Older People: Belfast

Support for People With an Intellectual Disability (Sports, Health and Leadership Programmes)

Boxing Classes: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Children's after School Club and Weekend Club: Ballygomartin

Tea Dances (Older People): Belfast

Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs: Water Works

Family Fun (Child Care Experiences for Children): North Belfast

Creative Arts Project for Young People: Ballygomartin

Adult Circus: Belfast

Drop In Sessions - Young People (11-18): Woodvale

Preschool Playgroup: Collinbridge

Health Promotion Projects (Information, Weight Loss and Exercise Programmes): Ballygomartin

Itty Bitty Circus (2-7 years old): Belfast

Writing for Life (Writing Groups): Cancer Patients

Lighthouse Drop in Cafe (Senior Citizens - Befriending): Ballygomartin

Youth Circus (8-18 years old): Belfast

Boccia - Great Game/Sport to Play From Your Chair (All Abilities): Falls

Community Centre: Shankill

Family Group - Family Support and Fun: Cliftonville

Chair-based Activity: Movement with Music on Chair and Relaxation: Divis Community Centre, Falls

Arts Academy for Young People (Dance, Drama, Visual Arts Classes): New Lodge

Youth Club: Ardoyne

Exercise in the Water (Rehabilitation): Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, East Belfast

Tasters (Cross-community Arts Activities): North Belfast

Youth Club & Drop-in (P5+): Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Education and Training (Social Inclusion): Cliftonville

Danderball - Walking Football: Shankill

TRIBE Retreat: Young People 17-21 with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

Programmes for Young People: New Lodge

Early Years - Let's Play and Grow Project (Deaf Children Aged 0-8 & Families)

Community Development Through Local Projects and Activities: Twaddell/Woodvale Area

Kidnap Wednesday: Adults with Learning Difficulties

Youth Clubs: Children and Young Deaf & Hard of Hearing People

A.B.B.E.Y. Fit & Fab: Newtownabbey

Bowls: Newtownabbey

Summer Activities: Ballysillan

Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Cook It (Cookery Programme): Newtownabbey

Sunday Drop-In for Young People: Newtownabbey

Schools Outreach: Local Schools, Ballysillan

Personal Development - Children & Young People: IMprovement of Confidence, Self-esteem and Skills

Creative Workshops: Cancer Lifeline

Preschool Playgroup: Glengormley

Summer Football Camp: Ballysillan

Holiday Play Schemes for Local Children (5-11): New Lodge

Get Active Programmes: Cancer

Multiple Sclerosis Group: Grove Leisure Centre, Duncairn

YFC Summer Camp: Ballysillan

Out of Schools Club: New Lodge

Community Groups - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Murals & Re-imaging: North Belfast

Playgroup (Children 2-3 Years Old): New Lodge

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Come and Play (Parents and Children Under 4 Years): Benview/Ballysillan

Star Youth Project (Programme for Young People 11-21): New Lodge

Box Clever - Employment/Training/Volunteering Programme for Young People: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Community Centre - Activities, Events and Programmes: Duncairn


Services which provide access to sport or leisure activities, such as sports clubs, walking clubs, couch to 5k, park runs, gyms etc.

281 support services available

Community Centre Activities: Ardoyne

Ardoyne Community Centre

40 Herbert Street, Belfast, BT14 7FE

Community Centre: Cliftonville

Concorde Community Centre

36 Alliance Road, Belfast, BT14 7JB

Community Centre: Duncairn

Duncairn Community Centre

Upper Mervue Street, Belfast, BT15 2JZ

Community Centre: North Queen Street, New Lodge

North Queen Street Community Centre

46a Victoria Parade, Belfast, BT15 2EN

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

North Belfast District Scout Council

12 Holly Lane, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5GU

Community Good News Club: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Community Group - Youth Activities: Glebe, Newtownabbey

St Bernards Youth Community Group

79a Collinward Avenue, Newtownabbey, BT36 6DZ

Community Groups / Youth Groups / SEN Groups: Drums

FUN WITH DRUMS - Percussion for ALL (perfect for any group), where the emphasis is always on FUN!!!

Community Hub: Girdwood, Water Works

Girdwood Community Hub

10 Girdwood Avenue, Belfast, BT14 6EG

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Glenabbey Church

Ballycraigy Road, Glengormley Co. Antrim, BT36 5ZZ.

Cook It (Cookery Programme): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Courses for Adults (16+) to Cut Levels of Anti-Social Behaviour: Shankill

Cairn Lodge Amateur Boxing Club

7 Sancroft Street, Belfast, BT13 1NR

Craft Class: Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle

837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Creative Arts Project for Young People: Ballygomartin

St Andrew's Community Action Group (SACAG)

229 Ballygomartin Road Belfast BT13 3NB

Crochet Group: Cavehill

Rosemary Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

26/38 North Circular Road, Belfast, BT15 5HD

Danderball - Walking Football: Shankill

Community Sports Network

Shankill Leisure Centre, 100 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 2BD

Desperate Housewives' Circuit Training: Woodvale

Woodvale Community Centre

74a Disraeli Street, Belfast BT13 3HW