Paediatric Basic Life Support (3-hour course)

Basic First Aid (4 hours) non-regulated - specifically for churches/community groups

Basic Life Support Level 2 RQF

Annual refresher for First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders

Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day) training course

Health and Safety Course 1/2 day

CPR / AED course

Sports First Aid

Naloxone Awareness’s

Oxygen Therapy

Emergency First Aid at Work

Moving and Handling of patients

BOOST Programme

Foundation Stage ToolKits for Primary Schools

Church and online services and meetings aimed at those of any background who want to allow themselves to be changed by contact with God.


Futures Project youth training programme

Northern Ireland Virtual Epilepsy Groups

Online / Telephone Counselling Service for people affected by epilepsy (inc carers)

Promotion of Good Food Values Through Video Clips: Online

Courses for Adults (16+) to Cut Levels of Anti-Social Behaviour: Shankill

Midwifery: Belfast

Nutrition and Dietetics: Belfast

Community Diabetes Team: Belfast

Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Relaxation): North Belfast

Midwifery Services: New Lodge

General Healthcare - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Travel Immunisations/Vaccinations: Crumlin Road

Contraceptive Services: Glengormley

Maternity Services: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Asthma Clinic: Ballysillan

Medical Services and Clinics: Shankill

Senior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Amateur Boxing Sessions: Shankill

Speech & Language (Development) Team: Belfast

Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Children With Disabilities & Their Families): Belfast

Glaucoma Services: Belfast

Physiotherapy (Individuals Physically or Psychologically Impacted by the Conflict): North Belfast

Treatment Room Service: New Lodge

Medical Appointments - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Requests for Antibiotics: Crumlin Road

Access to Allied Health Professionals: Hightown, Glengormley

Cervical Smears: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Travel Vaccinations: Ballysillan

Cervical Smears: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Mens Fitness Sessions: New Lodge

Fibromyalgia North Belfast Support Group

Educational and Training Courses

Regional Fertility: Belfast

Health Visiting: Belfast

Stroke Team: Belfast

Community Services for People with Life-limiting Illnesses (NI Hospice)

Obesity Management: Maureen Sheehan Centre, Falls

Medical Minor Surgery & Injections: Shankill

Antenatal Clinic: Ballygomartin

Clinics and Services: Mallusk

Family Planning: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Private Medical Services: Ballysillan

Minor Operations: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Ballysillan

Fibromyalgia Helpline/Support

Boxing Classes: Legoniel

Hospital Services - Mater Hospital

Primary Care for Mental Health: Belfast

Podiatry: Belfast

Family Support - NI Hospice

Medical Clinics: Falls

Sexual health - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Contraceptive Services: Ballygomartin

Immunisation Clinic: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Services and Clinics: Flax Medical Centre, Ardoyne Avenue

Smoking Cessation Clinic: Ballysillan

In House Clinics: Innisfayle

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Grove

Community Addiction Team: Crumlin Road

Health Visiting Support for Families: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Podiatry: Belfast

Speech & Language Therapy: Shankill, Belfast

Complementary Therapies (Relieve Tension, Promote Feelings of Wellbeing and Aid Relaxation): NI Hospice

Child Health Services: Falls

Telephone Advice - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Minor Surgery: Ballygomartin

Cervical Smears: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Treatment Room/Practice Nurse: Flax Medical Centre, Ardoyne Avenue

Medical Services and Clinics: Cliftonville

Pregnancy Check-Up: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Taekwon-Do Sessions: Girdwood

Children's Services - Early Years Team: Crumlin Road

Mens' Programmes: North Belfast

Hindu Community Centre: Sunday Activities

The Orthopaedic Integrated Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (ICATS): Belfast

Ophthalmology (Eye Care) / Macular Service: Crumlin Road

Hospice Hub (Wellbeing Clinic and Outpatient Clinic): North Belfast

Health Prevention: Maureen Sheehan Centre, Falls

Medical Referrals & Investigations: Shankill

Minor Injuries: Ballygomartin

Asthma Clinic: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

COPD Clinic: Ballysillan

Non-NHS Examinations & Requests: Cliftonville Road, Water Works

Physiotherapy: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Martial Arts: Newtownabbey

Adult Learning Disability - Day Services: Crumlin Road

Health & Wellbeing in Personal and Professional Lives

Care Services for the Elderly and Sick: North Belfast

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Service: Belfast

Nutrition and Dietetics: Crumlin Road

Care At Hospice (Inpatient Unit - Relief of Complex Symptoms): Nwtownabbey

Travel Vaccinations: Maureen Sheehan Centre, Falls

Baby Clinic: Shankill

Chronic Disease Clinics: Ballygomartin

Child Health Surveillance: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Flu Vaccination: Ballysillan

Asthma / COPD Clinic: Cliftonville

Respiratory Disease: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Self-Defence and Martial-Arts Classes: Falls

Sexual and Reproductive Health Service: Crumlin Road

Womens' Programmes: North Belfast

Weekly Sport Sessions: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Stroke Support Group: Water Works

Palliative Care (Community Oncology): Crumlin Road

Sport Activities: Ballysillan

Smoking Prevention: Maureen Sheehan Centre, Falls

Medical Services: Shankill

Treatment Room: Ballygomartin

Hypertension Clinic: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Family Planning: Ballysillan

Minor Surgery Clinic: Cliftonville

Antenatal Clinic: New Lodge

Pharmacy Service: Glengormley

Trauma Team (People Affected by any Kind of Trauma): Crumlin Road

Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast

Zumba: York Road

Specialist Team Continence Service Appointment & General Enquiries: Belfast

Health Visiting Services: Crumlin Road

Sport Hall, Pool & Gym: Shore Road

Diabetic Clinic: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Family Planning: Crumlin Road

Smoking Cessation Clinic: Ballygomartin

Clinics and Services: Duncairn

Patients Over 65 Years: Ballysillan

Flu Clinic: Cliftonville

Childhood Immunisations: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Pharmacy Service: Hightown

Adult Learning Disability - Community Teams / Residential & Supported Living Services

Health Visiting: Belfast

Holistic Therapies: Shankill

Physiotherapy after Illness, Injury or Disability: Belfast

Condition Management Programme (Return to a Healthy Lifestyle): Crumlin Road

Sport Activities: Shankill

Anti-Coagulation Clinic: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Minor Surgery: Crumlin Road

Warfarin Clinic: Ballygomartin

Medical Clinics: New Lodge

Child Health Clinic: Ballysillan

Baby Clinic: Cliftonville

Cervical Smears: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Pharmacy Service: Burnthill

Boxing Training Sessions: Glengormley

District Nursing: Belfast

School Health Services: Schools in Belfast

Learning Disability Services: Shankill Area

Sport Activities: Girdwood

Minor Operations: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Influenza Vaccinations: Crumlin Road

Enhanced Services: Collinbridge

Clinics and Services: Duncairn

Maternity Services: Ballysillan

Diabetic Clinic: Cliftonville

Diabetic Clinic: New Lodge

Health and Leisure Activities: Ardoyne

Evening Bingo Game: Woodvale

Community Addiction Team - Grove Wellbeing and Treatment Centre: Belfast

Wellbeing and Training Services to individuals, organisations, families, and the local community

Speech and Language Therapy: Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre, Belfast

Primary Care Mental Health (People with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Problems): Crumlin Road

Health & Wellbeing for Girls - Getting Fit: New Lodge

Asthma Clinic: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Diabetic Clinic: Crumlin Road

Diabetic, CHD and Asthma Clinic: Collinbridge, Newtownabbey

Medical Clinics: Legoniel

Diabetic Clinic: Ballysillan

Warfarin Clinic: Cliftonville

Family Planning: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Employment Opportunities: Ballysillan

Desperate Housewives' Circuit Training: Woodvale

Brain Injury: Belfast

Regular Meeting Venue for Men: Newtownabbey

Health Visitors: Belfast

Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled

Baby Clinic: New Lodge

Cervical Smears: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Antenatal Clinic: Crumlin Road

Minor Surgery / Cryotherapy / Soft Tissue Injection Clinic: Collinbridge, Newtownabbey

Baby Immunisation – Post Natal Clinic: Forth River

Children's Immunisation Clinic: Ballysillan

Well-woman Clinic: Cliftonville

Minor Surgery: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Boxing Training Nights: Chichester Park

Family Nurse Partnership (Home Visiting Programme for First-time Young Parents): Belfast

Financial Help/Advice: Disabled Ex-Servicemen

Floating Support (Learning Disability): Belfast

Belfast Trust Home Treatment House (Mental Illness): Antrim Road, Fortwilliam

Medical Services and Clinics: New Lodge

Smoking Cessation: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Children's Immunisation Clinic: Crumlin Road

Chronic Disease Management Clinics: Collinbridge, Newtownabbey

Influenza Vaccinations: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Anti-coagulation Monitoring: Ballysillan

Family Planning: Crumlin Road

Respiratory Clinic: New Lodge

Community Centre: Shankill

Older Peoples Day Centre: York Road, Belfast

Autism Assessment and Intervention Service: Belfast

Homeless Public Health Nursing Service: Belfast

Belfast Trust Acute Day Treatment Service (Mental Illness): Antrim Road, Fortwilliam

Non NHS Services: New Lodge

Chronic Disease Clinics: Shankill

COPD/Asthma Clinic: Crumlin Road

Additional Medical Services: Collinbridge

Asthma/COPD/Heart check/Diabetic Clinic: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Cervical Smear Clinic: Ballysillan

Vaccinations, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Heart Disease and Epilepsy: Crumlin Road

Football Sessions: Westland, North Belfast

Mental Health First Aid

Continence Team - Grove Wellbeing and Treatment Centre: Belfast

Health Care Services for People Living with a Learning Disability: Belfast

Community Heart Failure Team: Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre, Belfast

Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics: Antrim Road, Fortwilliam

Children & Immunisations - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Cervical Smear Clinic: Crumlin Road

Medical Clinics: Hightown, Glengormley

Minor Ops/Injection Clinic: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Ischaemic Heart Disease Clinic: Ballysillan

Well Woman Clinic: Crumlin Road

Junior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Families Matter "Shared Lives Service": Support by Family Member or Carer

Stella Maris (Helping Homeless People with Alcohol Issues in Belfast): Sailortown, North Belfast

Childline / Helpline for Children on Issues that Matter to Them

Parents Seminar on Children and Young People's Arthritis

Twifties Versus Arthritis (20's - 50's Year Group)

Volunteer Development: Versus Arthritis

Eating Disorders: Drop-In Centre

Marrowbone Community Hub/ Marrowbone Youth Club

For Professionals Caring for Children with a Life Limiting/Life Threatening Condition: Children Hospice

Men's Health Programme: New Lodge, Duncairn

Outpatients: Children Living with a Heart Disease

Drop In, Therapies Clinic and Personal Development Programmes: Women

Services for residents: Rosemount House, Fortwilliam

Older People's Programme: New Lodge, Duncairn

Complementary Therapies: Crumlin Road

Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast

The "Restorative" Rehabilitation Programme: Supported Accommodation for Men Seeking Recovery from Addiction

Health & Wellbeing (People Affected by Trauma)

Refugee Florating Support Service

Online Information and Support on being LGB&/T and Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing

Weigh to Health Programme - 16+: New Lodge, Duncairn

Building Skills, Resilience, and Me (Mental Health and Wellbeing): Duncairn

Support Services to Refugees (Housing, Finances, Health, Education, Employment, Social Inclusion, etc)

Women's Health Programme: New Lodge, Duncairn

After Schools Club / Summer Scheme: Chichester Avenue BT15

Healthy Places Programme: Belfast

Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Service: New Lodge

Inequalities Programme: Belfast

Boxing Classes: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Counselling, Mindfulness and Complementary Therapies

Counselling and Emotional Support Service to Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families: North Belfast

Munch Clubs: Belfast

Information, Advice And Signposting to Adequate Health Services: Falls

Complementary Therapy for People with Issues Linked to Trauma

City Cycling Club for Women: Belfast

Self Help Activity: Falls

Choose to Loose (Lose Weight Management Programme): Newtownabbey

Female Beginnner Judo Lessons for Women 18+: Shankill

The CALM Programme (Physical Activities for Vulnerable People): Falls

Complementary Therapies (Support to People Affected by Cancer): Cliftonville

Squash Lessons for Wmen: Shankill

Community Services - Environment: Local Communities

Fatigue Management Course: Fatigue Related to Cancer

Promotion of Healthier Living and Greener Places: Local Environments/Communities

Community Space & Training - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Complementary Therapies (Physical and Mental Health): New Lodge

Protect Life (Vulnerable Young People at Risk of Self-harm, Suicide and Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

Health Promotion Projects (Information, Weight Loss and Exercise Programmes): Ballygomartin

Support Hub to Ex-Offenders in Contact with the Justice System: Greater Belfast

Cook It - Healthier Cooking Programme: New Lodge

Dental Care: Children Living with a Heart Disease

Holistic Therapies - People With and Affected By HIV

Support and Care For Ill Children and Their Families: Children's Hospice

Financial Support to Families of Children Living with Heart Condition

Health & Wellbeing

Services which have a positive effect on Health & Wellbeing.


323 support services available

Non NHS Services: New Lodge

Carrick Hill Medical Centre - Dr. Crossin & Partners

1 Carrick Hill, Belfast BT1 2JR

Non-NHS Examinations & Requests: Cliftonville Road, Water Works

Cliftonville Medical Practice

59-61 Cliftonville Road, Belfast, BT14 6JN

Northern Ireland Virtual Epilepsy Groups

Epilepsy Action Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Nutrition and Dietetics: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX

Nutrition and Dietetics: Crumlin Road

Crumlin Road Health Centre

94-100 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 6AR

Obesity Management: Maureen Sheehan Centre, Falls

McHugh-Campbell Practice

The Maureen Sheehan Centre 106 Albert Street Belfast BT12 4HL

Older People's Programme: New Lodge, Duncairn

New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership

206 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GN

Older Peoples Day Centre: York Road, Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Grove Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

120 York Road, Belfast, BT15 3HF

Omagh Healthy Living Network

Omagh Forum for Rural Associations

Omagh Health Living Network The Community House 2 Drumragh Avenue Omagh BT78 1DP

Ophthalmology (Eye Care) / Macular Service: Crumlin Road

Crumlin Road Health Centre

94 - 100 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 6AR

Outpatients: Children Living with a Heart Disease

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Patients Over 65 Years: Ballysillan

Ballysillan Group Practice - Dr. Smyth & Partners

156-158 Ballysillan Road, Belfast, BT14 7QR

Pharmacy Service: Burnthill

A & F A Dundee Ltd - Burnthill

Medicare Pharmacy, 10 Richmond Gardens BT36 5LA Newtownabbey

Pharmacy Service: Glengormley

A & F A Dundee Ltd T/A Medicare Pharmacy - Collinbridge

Unit 8 Tramways Centre BT36 7TS Belfast

Pharmacy Service: Hightown

A & F A Dundee Ltd T/A Medicare Pharmacy - Hightown

Unit 3 Mayfield High St, Mayfield Gardens BT36 7WA Newtownabbey

Physiotherapy after Illness, Injury or Disability: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX

Physiotherapy: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Shore Road Surgery - Dr. Donaghy & Partners

600 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HG

Podiatry: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

83 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FD

Podiatry: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX