61 Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Mon-Thurs: 9:00pm - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00pm - 4:30pm 

NICVA, the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, is a membership and representative umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland.

With over 1,100 members - that range from household name charities to grass roots community groups - we lobby and campaign to advance the interests of the people and communities that our members support. We offer a wide range of practical services, products and support to our members to help them do what they do best - find innovative solutions for social challenges. Our membership reflects the make up of the sector in terms of both thematic (issue based) and geographical representation.

Our services include; advice (governance and charity advice, HR), fundraising, research, policy and lobbying and training and we develop, manage and host CommunityNI.

For more information on NICVA, visit our website or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

NICVA's Content



The NI Trust Group comprised of over 40 influential funders in Northern Ireland has released an up to date version of the Group’s Voluntary Action Booklet.



When considering considering collaboration or merger organisations need to consider whether the legislation collectively referred to as 'TUPE' applies in relation to contracts of employment for their staff.



As part of its role in championing adult learning and keeping it high on the agenda, FALNI held an event in the Long Gallery in Stormont on 16 June to kick start Adult Learners’ Week.



The revised Code of Good Governance was launched for consultation by the Developing Governance Group (DGG) at a seminar hosted by NICVA on Thursday, 10 April 2014.



NICVA’s Skills Development Unit held its biannual Presentation of Certificates Ceremony on Thursday, 28 November to recognise the achievement of participants on its accredited courses. These courses ranged from Institute of Leadership and Management(ILM)



The Councillor's Remuneration Panel has been appointed by the Minister to act as an Independent Body in reviewing the terms and conditions of local elected political representatives – known as Councillors -- including committee chairs and chairs/mayors.



The external evaluation for the IFI Community Leadership Programme delivered since 2009 by NICVA, UU and Stellar Leadership demonstrates the impact that the programme has had on community groups and their local communities.



Have you heard people talking about the social economy and wondered ‘what is that?’ If you have then NICVA’s ILM level 5 certificate in social enterprise support starting on 9 April might be for you.



Returning bigger and chunkier, Ben & Jerry’s and Ashoka are back in partnership for their second year of Join Our Core - a competition to find the most exciting and innovative young social entrepreneurs across Europe. Winners will each win a €10,000 cash



New research being undertaken in conjunction with NICVA and Advice NI aims to examine and highlight the day to day realities for borrowers in an ever more difficult financial environment.

More Information

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NI Charity Number



  • Stephen Gray
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Una McKernan
  • Sandra Bailie
  • Alex Hastings
  • Denise Copeland
  • Winnie Mulholland
  • Roisin Kelly
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Helena Mc Elhinney
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Connor McCloskey
  • Connor McCloskey
  • Connor McCloskey
  • NICVA Editor
  • Angela Ferguson
  • Carol McCabe
  • Winnie Mulholland
  • Jocelyn Horton
  • elizabeth Hamill
  • Mike van Rooyen
  • Shauna O'Neill
  • Robbie Best
  • Keith Turkington
  • Lynda Gould