Facing facts: the reality of debt

New research being undertaken in conjunction with NICVA and Advice NI aims to examine and highlight the day to day realities for borrowers in an ever more difficult financial environment.


The researchers are particularly interested in hearing directly from anyone who has used or is currently using the following types of lending:  

  1. High cost lending which is licensed; and
  2. High cost lending which is unofficial / not licensed.
Examples of high cost lending include:
  • Payday loans (eg Wonga, Quick Quid, Money Shop etc)
  • Unofficial or unlicensed lender (eg someone in your area)
  • Catalogues or Mail Order (where the interest is more than 25%)
  • Local Doorstep Lender (eg Provident, Greenwood etc)
  • Store Card (where the interest is more than 25%)
  • Other high cost loans.

If you have borrowed money from high cost lenders and would like to help build our knowledge of how this type of borrowing has impacted on you or your family please click here:


The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and all information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

NICVA and Advice NI would be grateful if organisations could encourage anyone who uses their services and who has relevant experience of high cost lending to complete the survey.

If you can help with the research, please bring this survey to their attention.  The survey can be accessed online via the link above or an email copy of the questionnaire can be requested from [email protected]

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago