Northern Ireland Councillors' Remuneration Panel

The Councillor's Remuneration Panel has been appointed by the Minister to act as an Independent Body in reviewing the terms and conditions of local elected political representatives – known as Councillors -- including committee chairs and chairs/mayors.

As part of its deliberations, the Panel would like to hear from as many people as possible in as many areas of Northern Ireland as possible to gain some understanding of public opinion in respect of the work and role of a Councillor and how best to fairly reward and motivate Councillors in the future to deliver high quality local political representation.

Eleven new councils will be established after the next set of local government elections in Northern Ireland, which are due to take place in 2014. After the election, the new councils will exist alongside the current 26 councils until 1 April 2015 [Shadow Period]. On 1 April 2015, the new councils will take over their full range of functions and responsibilities and the current 26 councils will cease to exist. In particular the Panel would be interested in your views on:

  • What would be a fair basic allowance for Councillors in the new Councils?
  • Which other roles in society would you compare the councillor’s role with as roughly equal in value?
  • What would be a fair special responsibility allowance for a committee chair and why?
  • What would be a fair special responsibility allowance for a council chair/mayor and why?
  • Which other roles in society would you compare the council chair or mayor’s role with as roughly equal in value?  
  • Do you have any other views you think relevant?

Consultation responses would be very welcome.  More details on Councillors’ Remuneration and how to respond can be found on the Remuneration Panel’s web page: Otherwise, written responses can be emailed to:  [email protected]

Last updated 10 years 8 months ago