revised Code of Good Governance consultation

The revised Code of Good Governance was launched for consultation by the Developing Governance Group (DGG) at a seminar hosted by NICVA on Thursday, 10 April 2014.

The seminar is the first in a series of roadshows which is focusing on both good governance and the new charity regulations. Frances McCandless, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission gave an overview of the new regulations and the registration process. She highlighted the importance of good governance, stating that: “Good governance is at the heart of an effective charity.”

She also commented that if an organisation works its way through the Code of Good Governance, then it should have nothing to fear from registering as a charity with the Commission. Frances also announced that the Charity Commission has launched a new online tutorial on the registration process to help organisations with the registration process. 

The revised Code of Good Governance has been streamlined to five overarching principles which the DGG believes will make it easier for boards/committees to work with. The DGG would welcome your comments on the revised Code and ask you to complete a very quick online consultation survey to gather responses so that we can be sure that this revised code of best practice is relevant and appropriate for the needs of voluntary and community organisations. 

The closing date for responses is Friday, 13 June 2014.  Download the consultation document, at the top righthandside of this article.

For more information on the Charity regulation and good governance seminars please see the Roadshow schedule for booking information.

To respond to the consultation on the revised Code of Good Governance, please complete our online questionnaire

Last updated 10 years 2 months ago