Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Floor 3, Seatem House,
United Kingdom

We are the statutory consumer body for Northern Ireland. We provide advice and information, investigate and resolve complaints, and advocate on your behalf.

Our aim is to make the consumer voice heard and make it count. We have a statutory remit to promote and safeguard the interests of consumers in Northern Ireland and we have specific functions in relation to energy, water, transport, postal services and food.

Consumer Council for Northern Ireland's Content


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council is 30 years old this month!


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Have you ever made a complaint about a problem you’ve had sending or receiving a letter or parcel?


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

It’s World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March and the Consumer Council is joining with many other consumer bodies around the world to highlight this year’s theme of healthy, affordable diets.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council values the views of consumers and our stakeholders. These views inform our priorities and help shape what we do.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Now the weather has turned frosty and people are pulling out the winter woollies, the Consumer Council is urging consumers to get a copy of its ‘Weather the Winter’ leaflet to be winter ready in the event of severe weather.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

This Christmas, make sure the only surprises you get are good ones. As our Christmas gift to you we have produced a ‘Countdown to Christmas’ calendar to help you get the best and avoid the worst of the annual Christmas shopping spree.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

If you’re planning to click your way through your Christmas present list this year, keep an eye on the Consumer Council’s Countdown to Christmas Campaign to find out about your online shopping rights and how to stay safe online.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council is running a survey to find out how aware Northern Ireland consumers are of the rights of passengers with a disability or reduced mobility when travelling by air.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council is running a survey to find out how aware Northern Ireland consumers are of the rights of passengers with a disability or reduced mobility when travelling by air.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Come along to the Consumer Council’s ‘Energy Switch and Save’ events for free and independent information on the energy switching process and bring along your bill to find out if you are on the best deal.

More Information

Type of Organisation

Public Sector


  • Consumer Council
  • Consumer Council