World Consumer Rights Day takes a look at food!

It’s World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March and the Consumer Council is joining with many other consumer bodies around the world to highlight this year’s theme of healthy, affordable diets.

Philippa McKeown-Brown, Head of Consumer Skills said, “Our research shows 1 in 5 households in Northern Ireland rank the cost of their food and grocery bills as one of their top three concerns. As food budgets are traditionally the area of household spend that gets cut when things are tight, this finding gives cause for concern.

To mark World Consumer Rights Day, the Consumer Council has launched a short survey to find out consumers’ thoughts on the affordability of a healthy, balanced diet. The results from this snapshot survey will inform research we’re undertaking in partnership with Food Standards Agency, Safefood, Ulster University and Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice.

Anyone can take part in the survey and it only takes around 3 minutes to complete. You can complete it via the Consumer Council’s website, by telephone on 0800 121 6022 or request a hard copy (large prints are also available).

Last updated 9 years 3 months ago