BBC's Monthly Open Meeting (Transgendered People): Belfast

Fibromyalgia North Belfast Support Group

GamAnon Meeting (People Affected by Gambling Problems in the Family): Belfast

Gamblers Anonymous Meeting: Belfast

Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Morning)

Belfast North Support Groups - Depression (Evening)

Peer Mentoring (Senior Students to Assist Their Juniors)

Targeted Groups: Ardoyne Community Centre

Buddy System - Senior Pupils as Buddies

Alcoholics Anonymous: Newtownabbey

REACH Programme - Personal Development: North Belfast

Alcoholics Anonymous: Antrim Road, Belfast

Stroke Support Group: Water Works

Alcoholics Anonymous: Glengormley

Narcotics Anonymous - Sunday Evening Meetings: Belfast

Alcoholics Anonymous: Belfast 174

Dads Talk Group: Belfast

Alcoholics Anonymous: Belfast West Kirk

BBC's Club Meeting (Transgendered People): Belfast

Twifties Versus Arthritis (20's - 50's Year Group)

Steeper Steps (Emotional/Psychological Help for Marginalised and Excluded Young Women)

Eating Disorders: Face-to-Face Support Groups

Eating Disorders: One to One Peer Support

Young Carers for Disabled or Ill Siblings/Parents: Duncairn

The Survive and Support Group - People Diagnosed with Cancer

Therapeutic Communities in North Belfast (People with a Severe Mental Illness)

Information and Support: Families with Twins, Triplets or More

Female Support Group: Women Living with Cancer

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

Male Health and Wellbeing Events: Cancer Lifeline

LGBTQ+ Youth: Waring Street

Self-Management: Zest for Life by Cancer Focus NI

Community Groups - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Group Therapy - Substance Misuse: New Lodge

Community Space & Training - Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Belfast

Family Group - Family Project: Belfast

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Support Groups - Trans* Community (or Identifying as Gender Variant/Non Binary): Belfast

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

GenderJam Get-togethers (Trans*, Non-Binary, Questioning, Intersex Young People): Belfast

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

Gay and Bisexual Dads Group (Peer Support and Advice)

Investing in Children Ireland: Involving Children Organisations in Delivering Services

Support Groups: People Living with Cancer

Youth Project (Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families): North Belfast

Peer Support

Services which provide support through shared experience, emotional, social or practical help to each other - "Peers" in this context are often other previous (or current) service users.

Often group based work, but also occasionally similar to a "Sponsor" type relationship. Common in Addictions or Substance Use intervention services and in Mental Health services also.

62 support services available

Alcoholics Anonymous: Antrim Road, Belfast

Alcoholics Anonymous Belfast

259 Antrim Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT15 2GZ

Alcoholics Anonymous: Belfast 174

Alcoholics Anonymous Belfast

Duncairn Complex (Church Grounds) Duncairn Avenue, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT14 6BP

Alcoholics Anonymous: Belfast West Kirk

Alcoholics Anonymous Belfast

West Kirk Presberterian Church 236A Shankill Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT13 2BL

Alcoholics Anonymous: Glengormley

Alcoholics Anonymous Belfast

St. Brigid's Parish Church Ballyclare Road, Glengormley, Co. Antrim, BT36 5HL

Alcoholics Anonymous: Newtownabbey

Alcoholics Anonymous Belfast

Whiteabbey Methodist Church Hall 566-568 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT37 0SL

Carer Support Service

Carer Support Service, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Carer Support Service, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Dads Talk Group: Belfast

Dads' Project

Parenting NI Head Office, 42 Dublin Road, Belfast BT2 7HN

Eating Disorders: Face-to-Face Support Groups

Eating Disorders Association (N.I.)

Merion Business, Howard St, Belfast

Eating Disorders: Helpline

Eating Disorders Association (N.I.)

Merion Business, 58 Howard St, Belfast

Eating Disorders: One to One Peer Support

Eating Disorders Association (N.I.)

Merion Business, 58 Howard St

Eating Disorders: Online Support Groups

Eating Disorders Association (N.I.)

Merion Business, 58 Howard St, Belfast

Fibromyalgia North Belfast Support Group

Fibromyalgia Support Northern Ireland

The Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 7DX.

GamAnon Meeting (People Affected by Gambling Problems in the Family): Belfast

Gamblers Anonymous Belfast & GamAnon

23-29 Little Patrick Street, Belfast, BT15 1BA

Gamblers Anonymous Meeting: Belfast

Gamblers Anonymous Belfast & GamAnon

South Link Day Centre, 16 South Link, Belfast, BT11 8GX