Daneo Services is a counselling service that provides confidential, non-judgement support for people within Northern Ireland.

Daneo Services is a counselling service that provides confidential, non-judgement support for people within Northern Ireland.

Church and online services and meetings aimed at those of any background who want to allow themselves to be changed by contact with God.

The Loft - Youth Club: Antrim Road, Fortwilliam

Mums and Tots: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Mens Evening: Newtownabbey

Seniors Gathering: Glengormley

Presbyterian Women: Agnes Street, Shankill

Men's Fellowship (Sports and Befriending): Shore Road, Duncairn

Ladies' Guild: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

After School Drop-in: Ardoyne

Summer Scheme: York Road

Pope John Paul II Award

Junior Youth Club: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

ACE Youth (Young People Aged P6 Onwards): Newtownabbey

Mother & Toddlers: Limestone Road, Duncairn

Man Up (Men Meetings): Shankill

Girls' Brigade: Shore Road, Duncairn

Rainbows: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Kids & Young People Scout Groups: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Table Tennis: York Road

Talks on Indian Values and Spirituality

Children's Church: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

ACE Junior (Youth Club for Children Aged P1 - P5): Newtownabbey

Parents & Toddlers: Glengormley

Oasis Lunch Club (Senior Citizens): Shankill

English Classes: Duncairn

Sunday School: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Monthly "Tours" & "Talks"

Sundays Crèche: York Road

Support to Scouting Ireland Groups: North Belfast

Fellowship Groups: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Table Tennis: Newtownabbey

Book Club: Glengormley

Maids of Honour (Women Meetings): Shankill

Junior Christian Endeavour (Club for Children 4-12): Shore Road, Duncairn

Mother’s Union - Local Group: Woodvale

Weekly Sport Sessions: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Time 4 U (Befriending Group for Women): York Road

Boys' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Girls Brigade: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

Bowling Club: Glengormley

Seek - Young Adults Ministry (aged 18-30): Shankill

Sunday School: Duncairn

Craft Group: Woodvale/Shankill

Sunday School: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Conducting Workshops & Seminars (Community Development): York Road

Girls' Brigade: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Mens' Events: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Ballyhenry Bowling Fellowship: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

CREW – Youth Fellowship/Club: Glengormley

Young Families (Parents and Children in Primary School): Shankill

Care Services for the Elderly and Sick: North Belfast

Boys Brigade: Woodvale

Guides, Bunnies and Brownies: Glencairn

Providing Support Groups: York Street

Youth Club: Crumlin Road, Ballysillan

Lunchtime Hour: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

Church Activities: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girl Guides – Rainbows (Girls 4-7): Glengormley

"Refresh" Adult Club: Shankill

PCN Totzone: Newtownabbey

Girl Guides, Brownies & Rainbows: Woodvale

Church Activities: Forth River


Creche: Glengormley

Boys Brigade: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

Men's Football: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Guides (Girls 10-14): Glengormley

Small Groups (Friendship): Shankill

PCN Glow (Youth Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Seniors’ Ministry Group: Woodvale

Boys' Brigade & Girl Guides: Tennent Street, Shankill

Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy at the Hospice: North Belfast

Live the Adventure (Children's Club): Glengormley

Women@Ballycraigy: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Christian Endeavour: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girl Guides - Brownies (Girls 7-10): Glengormley

Kids & Tots (Space for Children to Relax and Play): Belfast

Crèche (Children 0-4): People's Church Newtownabbey

Church of Ireland Men's Society - Carnmoney Parish Branch

Sunday School: Woodvale

Social Welfare (Help in the Community): York Road

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Youth Club: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Boy's Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Friday Club Juniors: Glengormley

Tables (Connecting with Local Community Groups)

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Carnmoney Community Friendship Club

Boys Brigade: York Road

Relief of Poverty (Directing to Accommodation, Support to Individuals and Families): York Road

KFC (Kids for Christ): Glengormley

20-2-40s Gatherings: Ballycraigy

Mums and Toddlers: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Friday Club Seniors (Boys and Girls 8-14): Glengormley

Girlguiding (Girls Aged 10-15): Cavehill

Crafty Goodness (Arts abd Crafts): Antrim Road, Innisfayle

JOY (Just Older Youth), Women's Club: Newtownabbey

Nite Lite (Hot Food and Drinks to Passers-By): North Belfast

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

Trekkers (Older Children): Glengormley

Boys Brigade: Shankill

Holiday Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Thursday Together (Seniors Group): Glengormley

Crèche: North Circular Road

Beaver Scouts: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Youth Club: Newtownabbey

KFC - Kids for Christ: York Road

Pastoral Counselling Service: Forth River

Hindu Community Centre: Special Activities for Kids

Presbyterian Women: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Walking Club: Glengormley

Holiday French Group: Cavehill

Cub Scouts: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade: Church Road, Newtownabbey

Ignite - Youth Club: York Road

Supergang (Youth Group for Primary and Secondary Childrens): Newtownabbey

Hindu Community Centre: Sunday Activities

Youth Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

Weekly Church Programme: Glengormley

Painting Group: Cavehill

Guides and Senior Guides: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

The Indoor Bowling Club: Newtownabbey

Community Good News Club: York Road

Counselling Provision to Members of the Clergy

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

Sewing Seeds: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Girls Brigade: Agnes Street

The Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys: North Circular Road

Brownies: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

The Mothers Union - Carnmoney Branch

Love in a Box (Practical Support to Those in Need): York Road

Awareness Training on Self-Harm

Girls Brigade: Abbots Cross, Newtownabbey

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Old Boys Association (Men Attending Immanuel Presyterian): Agnes Street, Shankill

Presbyterian Women: Cavehill

Bridge Club: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

The Choir: Newtownabbey

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Girl Guides: Shankill Road

Monday Club for Boys and Girls of Primary School Age: Shankill Road

The Girls Brigade: Shankill

Activities: West Kirk, Shankill

Craft Class: Innisfayle

Sunday Morning Creche (0-4): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Girls Brigade: Shore Road

Grief Share (Bereavement Support): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Mothers and Toddlers: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Scouts: Shore Road, Innisfayle

The Well (Ministry to Young Adults 13-30 Years Old): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Women Together (Sharing Activities): Shore Road, Innisfayle

WTL Football for Boys and Girls 7-12: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Youth Fellowship, Newtownabbey

Couples Counselling: Belfast

Mental Health Counselling Services: Duncairn

Inter-church Programme

Financial Advice: York Street

Preparing for Marriage Courses

Pastoral Care (Befriending, Listening and Support): Crumlin Road

Children's after School Club and Weekend Club: Ballygomartin

ROC Café: Crumlin Road

ROC Café: Rathfern

Abbey Tots: Newtownabbey

Boys Brigade: Newtownabbey

Creche: Newtownabbey

Girls Brigade: Newtownabbey

Men United: Newtownabbey

Oasis, Friendship: Newtownabbey

Small Groups: Newtownabbey

Sunday Drop-In for Young People: Newtownabbey


Service which provides support and guidance under the heading of "Faith," so, often provided by faith based groups.

175 support services available

Church Activities: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Ballyhenry Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5LU

Church Activities: Forth River

St Andrew's Parish Church, Glencairn (CoI) (HQ)

Forthriver Rd, Belfast BT13 3US

Church of Ireland Men's Society - Carnmoney Parish Branch

Church of the Holy Evangelists Parish Church, Newtownabbey (CoI) (HQ)

75, Church Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6DJ

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

North Belfast District Scout Council

12 Holly Lane, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5GU

Community Good News Club: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Glenabbey Church

Ballycraigy Road, Glengormley Co. Antrim, BT36 5ZZ.

Counselling Provision to Members of the Clergy


Unit 7 Merkland Place, Belfast, BT13 3BH

Couples Counselling: Belfast

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

St Mary's Church, 44 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH

Craft Class: Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle

837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Craft Group: Woodvale/Shankill

St Matthew's Parish Church, Shankill (CoI) (HQ)

Woodvale Road, Belfast BT13 3BN

Crafty Goodness (Arts abd Crafts): Antrim Road, Innisfayle

St Peter and St James' Parish Church, Belfast (CoI) (HQ)

Waterloo Park South Belfast BT15 5HX

Crèche (Children 0-4): People's Church Newtownabbey

The People's Church Newtownabbey

64 Mallusk Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey, BT36 4QE

Creche: Glengormley

Glenabbey Church

Ballycraigy Road, Glengormley Co. Antrim, BT36 5ZZ.

Creche: Newtownabbey

Abbey Presbyterian Church

99-101 Monkstown Road Newtownabey, BT37 0LG

Crèche: North Circular Road

Rosemary Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

26/38 North Circular Road, Belfast, BT15 5HD

CREW – Youth Fellowship/Club: Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN

Cub Scouts: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

St Peter and St James' Parish Church, Belfast (CoI) (HQ)

Waterloo Park South Belfast BT15 5HX

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

Abbots Cross Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

91 Doagh Road Abbots Cross Newtownabbey BT37 9QN

English Classes: Duncairn

Seaview Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

94 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 3QA


The Orthodox Church of St John of Shanghai

4 Ashfielfd Drive, Belfast BT15 3FT

Fellowship Groups: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Ballycraigy Congregational Church

Ballycraigy Congregational Church Ballycraigy Road Newtownabbey BT36 4TB

Financial Advice: York Street

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries / NCM HOUSE

218 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1GY

Friday Club Juniors: Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN

Friday Club Seniors (Boys and Girls 8-14): Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN

Girl Guides - Brownies (Girls 7-10): Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN

Girl Guides - Guides (Girls 10-14): Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN