ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

Cana House, St Marys Church, Grotto Entrance, 1st Floor, 68 Berry Street
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Brenda Russell

Opening Hours

NIRO opened 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday.

ACCORD is Ireland's leading agency supporting marriage and relationships nationwide. Our aim is to help couples prepare for achieve and sustain their marriage and family relationships, offering ongoing help & support in times of difficulty or crisis.



ACCORD is Ireland's leading agency supporting marriage and relationships, nationwide through its 58 Centres.   Our aim is to help couples prepare for, achieve and sustain their marriage and family relationships, offer ongoing support and assist them in times of difficulty or crisis.

We have nine centres throughout Northern Ireland, Armagh, Ballymena, Belfast, Derry, Downpatrick, Enniskillen, Maghera, Newry and Omagh, with all queries coming through our administration office, ACCORD NI REGIONAL OFFICE.

We offer: Marriage and Relationship Counselling, Marriage Preparation Programmes, Marriage Enrichment, Marital Sexual Therapy, Fertility Management, Schools Programmes and Personal Enrichment.  

ACCORD COUNSELLING SERVICES are available to couples regardless of their marital status.  Our counsellors are trained to the highest standard and offer their service on a largely voluntary basis.  We strive to ensure that a first class service is always offered to our clients.  ACCORD Marriage & Relationship Counselling Service is open to all denominations or none.

Our services are offered to clients based on their need, not on their ability to pay. No one is  turned away form ACCORD due to lack of money

ACCORD MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAMMES are offered to more than 13,000 individuals each year.   ACCORD endeavours through its programme Marriage – A Journey Not a Destination to offer couples skills in communication, conflict management and other relevant areas to aid their transition into their marriage, and provide them with ongoing positive and constructive capacity to deal with the challenges they encounter.

INTERCHURH MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAMMES offer mixed faith couples getting married in the Catholic Church the opportunity to explore and discuss issues with our specially selected inter-church team. The course will provide time for you both to concentrate on your relationship in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere together with other engaged couples.

Each course is presented by a Priest and 2 ACCORD Marriage Education Facilitators.

If you find that you are having difficulty talking to each other then talk to ACCORD.  We are here to help you. 

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG's Services

Couples Counselling: Belfast

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

St Mary's Church, 44 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH

Inter-church Programme

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

St Mary's Church 44 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH

Preparing for Marriage Courses

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG

St Mary's Church 44 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG's Content

Job | Part Time

Couple Counsellor/Therapist Unique Training Opportunity University Level 8 (RoI)/Level 6 (UK)

ACCORD N.Ireland Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG


More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number


NI Charity Number



  • Brenda Russell