Manual Handling Course

First Aid Requalification

Awareness of Safeguarding

Paediatric First Aid course

Naloxone Awareness’s

Oxygen Therapy

Haemorrhage Control

Anaphylaxis Awareness’s

First Aid at Work level 3

LLTCA, Laurencetown - Activities at the centre and offered to the wider community

Help & Advice for Carers

Courses on Caring

Hospital Services - Mater Hospital

Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled

Carers Service: Falls

Young Carers for Disabled or Ill Siblings/Parents: Duncairn

Residential Short Breaks for People with a Learning Disability: North Belfast

Caring For Carers (Of People With Ill or Long Term Condition)

Me Myself I and Us (family carers involved in caring for a disabled child and/or life-limiting condition)

For Professionals Caring for Children with a Life Limiting/Life Threatening Condition: Children Hospice

Participation for Protection Project (Enhance Awareness on Children who have Experienced Violence)


Services which provide support, information and advice to anyone who is a carer for another person, or for someone needing care themselves.

It can be a family member, a friend or a paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.

33 support services available