Women's Resource and Development Agency

Women's Resource and Development Agency

6 Mount Charles
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Katie English


The Women’s Resource and Development Agency’s mission as a Northern Ireland regional organisation is to advance women’s equality and participation in society by working to bring about social, political and economic change for women.

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency is a charity which provides support for women’s groups and networks across Northern Ireland.  Established in 1983 (and formerly known as the Women’s Education Project) it is a regional organisation with a mission to advance women’s equality and participation in society by working to bring about social, political and economic change.  

We work with women’s groups in the most severely disadvantaged communities, from all traditions and from urban and rural areas of Northern Ireland.  We train women to a Level 3 Certificate in Learning and Development, enabling them to become Community Facilitators, delivering our wide range of programs from health awareness programmes to good relations workshops.  Our pool of Community Facilitators provides the foundation for much of our work, constituting a positive force for community development.  

Community Direct, our social economy business, provides self-employment opportunities to many Community Facilitators trained by WRDA and makes a significant contribution to the overall sustainability of the organisation.  Using a proven model combining peer education and experiential learning, our service is an ideal way to inform, consult and empower individuals in disadvantaged communities.

We empower women from local communities and support them to articulate their needs. We work from the grass roots to the highest levels of policy making and politics, providing advocacy and lobbying support. WRDA works to create enhanced channels of communication between the women’s sector and government in Northern Ireland and bring a ‘gender perspective’ to discussions and decisions that happen in Stormont.  This work is accomplished through our Assembly Monitor e-Newsletter, Gender Forums and Gender Agenda briefings.  We are represented on a wide range of policy fora and s75 departmental reference groups, enabling us to engage directly with politicians and policy makers. 

We are a membership organisation and currently have a membership of 190+ groups and organisations.  WRDA manages Womenslink, the e-list for the womens sector and the Women’s Policy Group e-list. We manage the five year Lottery-funded ‘Regional Women’s Centres Learning Partnership’ under the Live and Learn programme and also chair the all-Ireland ‘Hanna’s House’ peace building project.

We have achieved Investors in People Bronze status, in recognition of our excellent management and team structures.

For more information contact Shauna on 028 9023 0212 or info@wrda.net.  Alternatively visit the website: www.wrda.net, check out our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Womens-Resource-and-Development-Agency/132047946889671?sk=wall or visit or Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrdani/.

Women's Resource and Development Agency's Content

Aug 31 1:00am

Breast, Cervical and Bowel Screening Awareness Programme (Funded by the Public Health Agency)

Women's Resource and Development Agency

Developed to raise awareness of breast, cervical and bowel screening, this award winning programme encourages participants to avail of the screening services on offer and explores and addresses fears surrounding screening processes.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

WRDA Women's Sector Lobbyist, Ellen Finlay, is undertaking a research project and would appreciate your help.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and is an opportunity to remind women to be breast aware.

In 2011/2012 more than a quarter of women aged 50 -70 who were invited to attend for a mammogram did not attend.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency are delighted to announce, the delivery of two Community Facilitator Programmes this year, due to commence in September 2013.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

The WRDA are encouraging groups to avail of their FREE Breast and Cervical Screening Awareness Programmes to mark national Cervical Screening Awareness Week (9th – 15th June 2013).


Women's Resource and Development Agency

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency will be responding to the Northern Ireland Financial Capability Strategy launched by DETI but need women's input.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

International Women’s Day 2013 celebrates centenary of Suffragette struggle for rights.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week – 20th – 26th January 2013.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

WRDA are offering a FREE Breast Awareness Programme to Women’s Groups in the Belfast Trust and South Eastern Trust areas.


Women's Resource and Development Agency

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency are delighted to announce, the delivery of two Community Facilitator Programmes this year, due to commence in September 2012.

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