Women's Financial Capability Survey
The Women’s Resource and Development Agency will be responding to the Northern Ireland Financial Capability Strategy launched by DETI but need women's input.
The Women’s Resource and Development Agency will be responding to the Northern Ireland Financial Capability Strategy launched by DETI.
DETI suggests that ‘financial capability’ is “about having the skills and confidence to make informed choices around budgeting, savings and banking products available. It means knowing how to budget, being prepared for a rainy day, saving or working toward saving in a safe place, maximising your income by getting all the financial help to which you are entitled, having the appropriate insurance cover, being prepared for your retirement and knowing how to get the right financial or debt advice when it is needed.”
This is all very well, but we want to highlight that for women it’s not just about juggling finances, it’s also about women not having access to the household resources or enough money in the first place. It’s important that government better understand the causes and consequences of gender differences in financial education but also how women access resources.
We really need your help. We’re asking as many women as possible to complete a survey to help build our evidence base. Due to the holiday season nearly upon us, the survey should be completed by the deadline of Friday 21st June.
We would also very much appreciate you forwarding this survey to your members, networks, family and friends. It is extremely important that as many women as possible complete it.
It will take approximately 5 minutes: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J969Y63.

Women's Resource and Development Agency
6 Mount Charles
United Kingdom