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4396 News Articles


Disasters Emergency Committee

THE Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) in Northern Ireland has today announced a major appeal to help people facing hunger in Yemen.


Open College Network Northern Ireland

OCN NI are delighted to launch our new Strategic Plan 2016-2019.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Danske Bank to close two branches in Belfast - Antrim Road and Connswater.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council is encouraging households to check if they are on the best deal for their electricity. This follows Budget Energy’s decision to remove, or reduce, discounts on some of their existing tariffs.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council has been named as a finalist in the UK Complaints Handling Awards 2017, which recognise and reward outstanding achievement in complaint handling.


Erica Starling Productions

Erica Starling Productions is making a documentary series and is seeking families or individuals with stories that are unfolding right now.


NI Rural Development Council

Farm Health & Safety workshops currently being delivered on farms throughout northern Ireland


The University of Atypical for Arts and Disability

In December/January, Northern Ireland’s disabled and deaf artists have a great opportunity for financial support to develop their work under the iDA (individual disabled/deaf artists) grant scheme.



As part of its work to update the current Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2010), NISRA is consulting users about the proposed indicators to be included in the forthcoming measure, referred to as NIMDM 2017.


Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture & Tradition

You may be aware that the Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition has been established as part of commitments made under the Stormont House and Fresh Start Agreements.


Law Society of Northern Ireland

Over fifty members of the legal profession and representatives from community and voluntary groups were in attendance at the launch of a new solicitor group set up to raise awareness of disability issues amongst solicitors and their clients.


Law Society of Northern Ireland

The Society is delighted to announce the publication of 36 information leaflets on legal matters.


Law Society of Northern Ireland

The Law Society of Northern Ireland has announced that Marie Curie will be its chosen charity of the year for 2017.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

With many of us venturing online to work our way through our Christmas lists, Consumer Council research has revealed that of those who shop online only a quarter check a website is safe before entering payment or personal details.


Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Post Office Industrial Action could affect 6 branches.



NICVA have organised a series of engagement events focused on a number of the key delivery plans.


Include Youth

THE Belfast Health and Social Care Trust's Employability Service celebrated the achievements of young people in care at a celebration event in the Black Box Belfast yesterday.


Include Youth

THE Belfast Health and Social Care Trust's Employability Service celebrated the achievements of young people in care at a celebration event in the Black Box Belfast yesterday.


Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland has launched its new Spirit of Christmas Appeal to raise awareness and money for its family support service which helps local children whose mum, dad or grandparent has cancer.


Beyond Skin

Beyond Skin in association with Aspect Media and Libraries NI present a photography exhibition by Rashid Khaidanov. Rashid who is originally from Kazakhstan has been working with Beyond Skin as part of the Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis project.


Beyond Skin

Following on from the very successful Beyond Skin Open College Network (OCN) level one courses in 2014 - 2016 with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as the principal funder, a Level Two has been developed.


Network Personnel

A Shared place for programme participants


Include Youth

ULSTER RUGBY, in conjunction with Slim's Healthy Kitchen, has launched a new recipe book, which is now on sale with all proceeds going to its Charity Partner, Include Youth.


Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

Four groups are set to benefit from The Ann McGeeney Trust Fund as it announces its first grants on #GivingTuesday. The Fund which is managed by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland was set up in Ann’s memory by her family last year.


Rural Support

Farming and rural charity, Rural Support, and local wind energy company, Simple Power, are teaming up again this year to launch the charity’s largest ‘Christmas Hamper Scheme’ aimed at helping farming and rural families in need this festive season.