Northern Ireland's only dedicated elder abuse helpline goes live.

Northern Ireland's only dedicated elder abuse helpline goes live.

For older people who are concerned about or experiencing abuse, help is now just a phone call away.

Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland exists to help anyone concerned about the abuse or harm of an older person. Abuse comes in many forms; physical, emotional or mental abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and financial abuse. Too often it is carried out by family members or those close to an older person. And for too long it has remained hidden and secret. Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland are working to change that by providing a new service for anyone affected by or concerned about elder abuse.

We are delighted to launch the Northern Ireland arm of the UK-wide Elder Abuse Response Helpline. Delivered by a team of dedicated, highly trained, and Northern Ireland-based operators, we are offering a local service for local people.

 The Elder Abuse Response helpline is free to call, entirely confidential, and will give information, advice and support to victims of elder abuse, as well as anyone who is concerned or has witnessed abuse.

 Help is just a phone-call away!

Call Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on freephone 080 8808 8141

Last updated 7 years 10 months ago