ARC NI facilitated events to get people ready for undertaking the Adult Safeguarding Champion role earlier this year. Delegates raised the need for a shared space to safely discuss progress with implementation of the new policy and procedure.

Why is there is need for Adult Safeguarding Champions Network?

In July 2015 the Department of Health formerly DHSSPS and Department of Justice introduced ‘Adult Safeguarding: Prevention and Protection in Partnership.

A key element of this policy proposed the nomination of Adult Safeguarding Champions (ASC). The policy made clear that an ASC must be accessible to all service areas an organisation as a source of advice and guidance. The nominated ASCs should be senior people within the organisation, suitably trained, experienced and skilled to carry out the role.

The Health & Social Care Board’s regional operational adult protection procedures1 underpin this policy and provide guidance to support good practice and sound professional decision making

ARC NI, a member of NIASP, facilitated events to build the capacity of organisations in getting ready for implementation in March 2017.  Delegates raised the need for a shared space to safely discuss progress with implementation of the new policy and procedure.

What is the Adult Safeguarding Champions (ASC) Network?

The Network brings together the ASC and/or Deputy and is facilitated by ARC NI and NIASP. 

The aim of the Network is to:

  • offer support to the individual undertaking this new role
  • discuss experiences of implementing the new procedures from the perspective of the ASC
  • share solutions to challenges in the role of the ASC.

Speakers will be invited where relevant.

When and Where will we meet?

The ASC Network will meet 4 times over the course of 2017/18. 


  • Thursday 31 May, 2.00pm – Belfast
  • Wednesday 6 September, 10.00am – Belfast
  • Wednesday 29 November, 10.00am – L/Derry 


  • Tuesday 6 February, 10.00am – L/Derry 

To register your organisation please complete the attached booking form.

Places are limited
Last updated 7 years 2 months ago