This workshop is being delivered as part of the Ards and North Down Social Entrepreneurship Programme (ANDSEP). Any aspiring/ existing social enterprise is very welcome to attend.
Cultivating Community Farming (CCF) is an exciting new support programme funded by the Co-op Foundation that will accelerate the growth and capacity of community farming projects across Northern Ireland (NI).
Belfast City Council Regional Networking Event – ‘On – Purpose’ is taking place on Thursday 8th February in the new Templemore Baths Heritage Space. This will be a great chance to network with a range of social enterprises and cooperatives and to hear from our 4 inspiring speakers.
The event is free to attend and a light lunch will be provided.
Free webinar for social entrepreneurs in the Lisburn & Castlereagh Council area. This event forms part of the SuNSE programme (Support Network for Social Entrepreneurs).
Are you involved in a social enterprise, and interested in collaborating with researchers? Join this online event for an introduction to collaborative opportunities with social scientists at Queen's and Ulster.
This webinar is delivered by Social Enterprise NI and they will be joined by some of their members who are social enterprises in NI to share their experience and give advice.
Thrive: access to employment is for social ventures using business solutions to offer the most innovative ideas to improve access to employment for people distant from the labour market. That could be by providing training and support into employment, or through direct employment opportunities.
The restrictions created by COVID-19 on our day to day lives are affecting our physical, mental and social well-being as well as exacerbating inequalities.
Statutory agencies and community and voluntary sector organisations have been responding creatively and finding new ways of working together.
This online seminar, organised by the Derry and Strabane Healthy City and District initiative, brings together people from both the public and community and voluntary sectors who are at the frontline of the response. Participants will share their experiences and explore how we can all build on what we have learned to find new ways of working together in the future.