Informal Meetup Seminar

Meet the Network - SuNSE Closing Event

Development Trusts NI

Development Trusts NI

This is a free event
Meet the Network event for social entrepreneurs
Networking event to celebrate the closing of the Support Network for Social Entrepreneurs programme.

SuNSE participants and social entrepreneurs from across Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council will gather as one and share and learn together!

Meet the Network is a great opportunity to showcase your social business and hear from experts in the field. Network with the other SuNSE participants, supporters, and project partners, and meet influential people to help you take the next step, including corporate and public sectors representatives, investors and grant funders.

We'll also be hearing from established social entrepreneurs about their successes and challenges along the way. Features contributions from:

    Alderman Amanda Grehan, Chair of the Development Committee, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council
    Terence Brannigan, Seirios Enterprises, Tourism NI
    Adrian Bird, Resurgam Trust
    Caroline Birch, Helping Hands

There are exhibitor opportunities available - for more details, please get in touch with as soon as possible as space is limited.


Register here -

  • social enterprise
  • social entrepreneur
  • social impact

Date and Time

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Lagan Valley Island
BT27 4RL
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Stevie McGirr

The Support Network for Social Entrepreneurs is funded by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council and Interreg NW Europe

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council
Interreg North-West Europe